Temponary Fix For Joystick?


Sep 18, 2005
Hi there!

I don't know if you have the same problem, but I have problems playing games on my gp2x because of the Joystick.

Sometimes it recognises "right" as "right-top" or I press left and nothing happens.
Sometimes in menu, i press right and it goes 2 icons right (bad delay)

I've heared this is a firmware bug, isn't it possible to make a temponary fix like the one with mono>stereo?

Because it doens't make fun playing games for me with such a crap joystick....

Or dont you have this problems?

Mayby I have a crap unit... I dont know :blink:
try unscrewing and screwing in the joystick. it's usually an unscrew operation, as they screwed them in too tightly on some of the units.
This topic could do with a sticky. There is NO screwthread so unscrewing it is meaningless. Just pull off the plastic thumb-pad and put something inside the hole that takes the shaft. I used a wadge of paper. This will cause the pad to sit higher on the stick and not collide with the casing. it will also stop it sliding back down the shaft when you use it as a button. Obviously try and determine how much padding you require to adequately raise the pad and still allow the pad to remain firmly on the shaft. It only needs to be raised a mm or so.
This topic could do with a sticky. There is NO screwthread so unscrewing it is meaningless. Just pull off the plastic thumb-pad and put something inside the hole that takes the shaft. I used a wadge of paper. This will cause the pad to sit higher on the stick and not collide with the casing. it will also stop it sliding back down the shaft when you use it as a button. Obviously try and determine how much padding you require to adequately raise the pad and still allow the pad to remain firmly on the shaft. It only needs to be raised a mm or so.

wow, you should bold this and shout it loud and clear! shows what i know after three days of being away from the forum :)

i wonder why it works for some then? maybe it's a little judo mind-over-matter...
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i wonder why it works for some then? maybe it's a little judo mind-over-matter...

maybe when some people "unscrewed" their joystick they would accidently pull it up a little bit ... allowing for full movement of the joystick until the cover slipped back down ...

when i was "unscrewing" i accidently pulled the cover entirely off ... and noticed that i was able to get a very good response out of the joystick without it on. i was even considering finding a laptop-style nipple to cover the metal shaft with :ph34r: but the paper trick works really well. i'm ready to throw some dragon punches! :rolleyes: :P :)
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