Tell Us Your Ideal Pandora Advertisement

Aninhumer said:
The reason the word is offensive is nothing to do with what it actually means, it's the emotion behind it.

Aninhumer said:
However, I agree we should just drop it, especially since fusion_power doesn't seem to care. :)

mali said:
I agree with this. However I have to admit that I did a falcepalm when I heard about "our own (injection moulding)machine". You know that kind of intensive double-facepalm, where you rub your eyes and shake your head at the same time.

LOL yeah, I did the selfsame thing. For the same reason.
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Aninhumer said:
However, I agree we should just drop it, especially since fusion_power doesn't seem to care. :)
I would, but Craig's cute when he's angry. :ph34r:
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A Pandora themed spoof of this could be a cool ad

Pandora instead of Spectrum. Town hall table instead of the conveyor belt. Pandora hype captions.
Word of mouth as worked great so far!

I mentioned what it was (on monday) to a mate who is not interested in these types of things... He want's to order one now..
Thanks for all these retro British commercials, guys. I feel like I've gained great insight into why all these great consoles became such world-wide commercial successes. :D

I keed, I keed.

kingoddball said:
Word of mouth as worked great so far!

Yeah, I have no complaints about how marketing is actually being conducted. This thread is more for expressing, in the form of fictional advertising, what gets you excited about the Pandora.

...I just like commercials, okay?! :(
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