Technical Nes Problem


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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OK, so I really love my NES. It is a wonderful piece of console. However, I always have problems with it.

The thing is I have bought Tiny Toons and tried to play it. What happens? When switching on my NES, the Power LED just blinks and the picture does the same. Now it does not play any game at all anymore. This is the third time this has happened, and I am sick of it. Every time I buy a new game I must fear for my console's life. It's not the 5 to 10 € a new one costs, it's the fact that I am shredding a wonderful piece of equipment at a disturbing rate. Does anyone have experience with this? Do you think my console can be saved from it's death struggle?
Don't worry; every NES does it, even mine that's been kept mint and boxed ;)

Make sure you blow lightly on any games you buy, and make sure that if it's from a car boot sale that it hasn't been raining. If it has don't play it for a few days to be safe.

If you constantly (I'm talking about twice a week) fire up your NES then over time it starts working fine again. I do, and now I can play Punchout!! first try.

Now, if anyone knows how to get rid of that yellow tinge that seems to appear on most of my Nintendo's.....
The blinking problem hits most of us nes gamers out there.. of course it is a matter of the pins not making proper contact with the game cartridge..
When I started to play the old nes again, i got the problem to. I found that there are loads of nes Cleaning guides out there, just google a bit for "nes blinking" or "nes cleaning". I used one of the cleaning guides, and it helped a bit.
But the best tip I got, was to rub a little bit of moisturizing creme to the pins of the game cartridge, that realy worked, I know it sounds a bit strange.. :) I think that it for some reason helpes the pins to make contact..
Thanks everyone, but if it is the pins not making contact, why does my old NES (which has pins that I have bended upwards) not work either? And why does this problem only start after I tried to play a game I just bought and not with my other ones? I know about most of the cleaning guides, I have searched the Net before posting, but nothing really helped. I do have contact spray tucked away somewhere and could try that out later, but I somehow doubt that the problem is with the pins....
Could be wrong, but i remember people saying, that this is a common problem with the NES. It has something to do with the spiral int the concole (the on thats used when you push down the Cartridge slot). I also remember there was a solution, but i cant remember it right now....
its simple fix :D dont worry just buy a new set of connectors, as Klown said they can be found on Ebay, and alos a lot of online stores, just google it
Don’t blow on the cartridge connector that will only make the problem worse eventually. Clean the cartridge connectors with a qtip and some cleaning alcohol like Isopropanol (don't know if that is what it is called in English)

You could also try to clean the pin connector inside the NES, but as the others say; it's much simpler and cheaper to just buy a new one. It's really quite easy to replace.
The reason your current games work and the old ones not so well, is because the connectors will be covered in oxidised crap because they haven't been used for a while. Whereas your current games will be fine because moving them in and out of your Nes will have rubbed off the crap. Cleaning the connectors and then frequent use will ensure that they stay fine.
Heh, and I recall the other thread lambasting Sony for making cheap PlayStations with shoddy parts whilst Nintendo is always quality :D
its corrsion, it happens, just u wait till all your PS1 games start to rust (YES THEY DO, IT WAS IN THE PAPERS), u wont be able to just clean it all off with a cotton swab
Jesus Christ! You are supposed to set the cd with the label pointing up! Its gonna take me days turning all these CD's over!
The reason your current games work and the old ones not so well, is because the connectors will be covered in oxidised crap because they haven't been used for a while. Whereas your current games will be fine because moving them in and out of your Nes will have rubbed off the crap. Cleaning the connectors and then frequent use will ensure that they stay fine.
Well. That SOUNDS nice, but cleaning didn't do squat. I managed to frag one NES by cleaning the connectors inside the console and even after cleaning that Tiny Toons game I bought it would not work. Same goes for wo other games, they just won't work where my older ones will after a few tries...
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