Hmmm.. To Get Or Not To Get?


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2004
Ok well i heard of gp32 recently and i am now intrested. I was just wondering should i get this since i only know english and im only 14. Is the menus on the system in english? And how are the games? Is this going to be like the ngage i use to have? That only had like 1 good game that was alright and the emulations suck and so did the realone player? Also how big is the screen? can some1 tell mi the basics of this system? I am really intrested and need help. thanks/ :blink:
If you want it for the commercial games, you will be disapointed, after over 2 years there are about 30 games max, and most are in korean still.

The screen is 320x240 (3.5 inch), 320x240 is the resolution that most consoles use on your tv (snes games sometimes use a slightly bigger but thats rare).

As for the emus, they all look to be pretty great, and only getting better, thats what most people get this system for it seems. But if you want to get games from commercial developers you are looking to the wrong system (atleast for now...).

If you are a hardcore retro gamer or want alot of 3rd party homebrewn games/apps then go for it. (Mines coming in the mail as I type this).
yea im looking forward to emulating snes and playing super mario rpg. But if i bought a commercial game can i downlkoad a patch to make it in english.?>and is it already connected to the internet or do u have to pay? and is the system in english?
Most of the stuff is in English as far as the GP32 is concerned (in fact I've only seen a bit of Korean on it thus far) Most of the commercial games however are as far as I can gather in Korean (Best to check out reviews to be sure) Pinball dreams is in english and Dungeon and Guarder is in English too (these two being the only commercial games I have)

As has been said the system is pretty weak on the commercial games front (perhaps that'll change on the now mythical European launch I dunno)

As far as emulators go the Gp rocks I've tried emulators for - Spectrum,C-64, nes, mastersystem, Atari ST, Pc Engine and they are all fantastic. Snes is so-so without sound and very slow with sound on a lot of games, although there are some that play just fine. Megadrive is not that good at the moment. As for others I dunno haven't tried them yet.

Basics of the system can easliy be found using google and searching for GP32 handheld review (Ok I admit it I'm too tired to type the stuff in :P)

Hope this helps :)
I think little wizard is english and there is a patch for All for Princess to make the storyline english (but it's a box only game, so maybe you might want to make a backup before patching!)

There are lots of ways to enjoy a gamepark32, and two major ones are homebrew/pc ports and Emulation.

There is lots of information all over about gp32 and what it can do, now ask yourself why are you interested in it? Is there anything else it does you think would be nice/useful/FUN! if so you may have just made up your own mind...
Her Knights/All for Princess is Korean but there is an english patch for it, Dyhard is English (assuming you get it from JoyGP like I did), The standard firmware is mostly in english, the only thing that isnt is a small "loading information, do not remove SMC" type of message when you start something from Free launcher like a game or a emulator...but I just told you what it says so thats no big deal. :P

Any ennulated games you play on it are the same language as the rom you would have on your computer, playing them on the GP wont change this. If you have a japanese game rom and are able to patch it with a translation before loading it on the SMC it should use that translation (except for star ocean... I cant seem to get that to work).

GP32 is a system for hard core types that can stand to wait for things, if you dont have patience I dont recommend it but if you can stand to play near perfect 8 Bit emulators and a few "halfway there" 16 bit emus untill they;re completed not to mention if you;re into downloading anime off the internet/bit torrents then you can probably enjoy this no problem.

But seriously concider searching all the topics on the forum, do a little searching, read the FAQs on this and some of the other sites before you decide! There's plenty of info already sitting around to help your decision. :)
OK thanks for the info but i still got more questions lol. OK i hear u have to flash your gp32. wat does that mean? ALso does it have storage memory in it already? ALso where would i download these patches? Thanks for helping
Good place for patches is:

The site isnt in english but most of the patches are :)

Flashing your bios on your GP32 is something only advanced users should atempt and its not something you need to do, its something you CAN do if you dont like the standard firmware. You can seriously mess up your gp32 if you attempt this and fail.

It does not have "storage memory" in it already (well kinda, but not like you are talking about), you must purchase a 3.3v SmartMedia card (suggest 128 MB) to use it. You can buy these anywhere that sells digital cameras and the like. (usually in their digital camera/film section) $30-$50 USD is the average price you will pay for a 128 MB card. Although I purchased one from Ebay (new) for $26 USD, so it all depends on where you want to look.
For emulation purposes the gp32 kicks everything elses ass, the screen is like twice the size of a gba screen (aprox) and the language is simply the language that a specific file was made in... (like if an english dude wrote a program it would be in english).
I'm only 15 and live in england and im now being drawn to coding for it, but thats hard :) but the main thing I bought it for was the emulators, im just saying there is more to it than that...
Well, the light is darn useful. Mostly for playing in the dark, but also in dodgy lighting conditions it comes in handy. Whether its worth an extra $100 for it I don't know - probably not, but it depends how much you want to be able to play in the dark as well.

BTW: You mentioned Super Mario RPG on the move. Just to put you right on that one - whilst it MIGHT work one day, its slow as hell iirc (I haven't tried it admittedly with OS9x, but I remember others saying this - any confirmations?) at the moment. Other games that don't use a SuperFX chip are fine though. The problem with the SuperFX being, of course, that it added a fair bit of extra CPU speed to the SNES. Like 7MHz or something. Which is quite a lot of extra processing power to emulate, considering the normal CPU runs at 3.85 MHz. Though not utterly impossible, I'd guess.
Tobriand posted on Mar 7 2004 at 09:43 AM said:
at the moment. Other games that don't use a SuperFX chip are fine though. The problem with the SuperFX being, of course, that it added a fair bit of extra CPU speed to the SNES. Like 7MHz or something. Which is quite a lot of extra processing power to emulate, considering the normal CPU runs at 3.85 MHz. Though not utterly impossible, I'd guess.
damn shame, my fave SNES game was Stunt Race FX :(
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I thought no superFX games worked at all? I remember yoyo explaining that that was why Yoshi's Island didn't work. I'm not posotive though :huh:
Efompor posted on Mar 7 2004 at 09:57 AM said:
I thought no superFX games worked at all? I remember yoyo explaining that that was why Yoshi's Island didn't work. I'm not posotive though :huh:
Maybe I'm thinking of the old Snes9xGP then. In which case SMRPG is *definately* unplayably slow on it.
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naruto1532 posted on Mar 7 2004 at 09:58 AM said:
does anyone know where i can buy a flu gp32 for cheap besides ebay?
I'd go to or get one second hand. I bought mine from lik-sang, and when i got it home it didnt work properly so i spent a whole day on the internet trying to figure out y it wouldn't work, eventually i had to hack freelauncher to get it to work, but if u buy from GBAx ir second hand it will already b installed
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Also wat are all the snes emu's and the drawbacks of each? Will games with the superfx chip ever be playable?(mario rpg and yoshi's island!) Is this system ever coming to the usa? (where i live) And how is it doing(selling) compared to other systems?and if i get the non flu one is the any light i can buy for it? or any suggestions?
The only Emulator for SNES worth using is OpenSNES9x, version 2 is the latest.

SuperFX games? I'd love to see it happen but I think the emulator would have to be revised quite a bit before that happens.

It's not likely to ever come to the US, it's be a flash in the pan fad and dissapear over night in it's current state and with no high profile developers behind it.