Sz81 - Portable Sinclair Zx80 And Zx81 Emulator


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2007
Hello :)

sz81 is a Sinclair ZX80/ZX81 emulator very much based upon the work of Ian Collier's xz80 and Russell Marks's z81 but employing the highly portable SDL and including additional functionality and features for desktop computers and portable devices.




* released
* Fixed a few issues with the joystick configurator

* 2.1.6 released
* Added a joystick configurator
* Added fg/bg colour adjustment
* Added joystick dead zone adjustment
* Added volume control adjustment
* Added key repeat delay/interval adjustment
* Added a runtime options system
* Replaced the Open Sound System (OSS) code with the SDL API
* Fixed a couple of bugs

For now you may download the latest GP2X package (GPH or Open2x) from the website below, but for the source code you should wait until it appears in the archive since it's based on a later revision (r69) of the official source package release.

For more information please visit the official sz81 website.



  • sz81-2.1.6-06.png
    7.6 KB · Views: 256
  • sz81-2.1.6-04.png
    2.9 KB · Views: 218
  • sz81-2.1.6-05.png
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  • sz81-2.1.6-07.png
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I've built a Wiz version and I need somebody to test it for me please (I don't have a Wiz).

If it doesn't work then dump the contents of sz81log.txt here and I can fix it.

I've tried but log file is always empty (I don't know why).

Trying by termula I can read "FATAL: Kernel too old" before app crashs (and there are other messages I can't read).
Mr 2X said:
I've tried but log file is always empty (I don't know why).

Trying by termula I can read "FATAL: Kernel too old" before app crashs (and there are other messages I can't read).
Thanks Mr 2X

I'll make another package in a while as I think I know what I'm doing wrong now.

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Ok, I've created a new binary ->

Just place it into the folder overwriting the previous one.

Run it from termula again because it might fail but I'll know what to do :)

[EDIT] Since I'm prepared for any error messages I may as well explain what to do :-

If you see something about "" then download it here and place it into the folder.
If you see something about "" then download it here and place it into the folder.

I don't know if you'll need one or both and I'd like to know so I can keep the package as small as necessary.

That should be it OR that is the current extent of my knowledge :p

First, I edited gpe script, changing only "&>" part with "2>" and now error log is written.

(e. g. "./sz81 -oi 2> sz81log.txt")

I get no results with suggested libs, but there was a message about "". Since this lib is also present in termula folder, I copied it and now sz80/81 works.

Controls and touchscreen seems to work fine, but in sz81log file results this error:

sdl_sound_frame: Sound buffer overflow

(repeated a million times :p )

I uploaded this pack if someone want to try further (I won't have time the next days).
Mr 2X said:
First, I edited gpe script, changing only "&>" part with "2>" and now error log is written.

(e. g. "./sz81 -oi 2> sz81log.txt")

I get no results with suggested libs, but there was a message about "". Since this lib is also present in termula folder, I copied it and now sz80/81 works.

Controls and touchscreen seems to work fine, but in sz81log file results this error:

sdl_sound_frame: Sound buffer overflow

(repeated a million times :p )

I uploaded this pack if someone want to try further (I won't have time the next days).
Well that's great news :) The sound buffer overflow message is mine: it means the sound data isn't being read quickly enough by the sound device and so I can research that.

Thanks for your help Mr 2X. Much appreciated.

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I've increased the sound buffer size fourfold for the Wiz to hopefully stop overflows.

There is a program called aydemo.p in the games-etc folder which plays AY music on the ZX81. It would be nice if somebody could run this and comment on the quality of the sound; the volume will likely need increasing within options.

If "sdl_sound_frame: Sound buffer overflow" continues to be reported within sz81log.txt then I'd like to know, but also it might impact on performance and so it would be better -- since programs that use sound are extremely rare -- to simply disable sound by editing sz81.gpe and removing the "-a zs" from "./sz81 -i -a zs 2>&1 > sz81log.txt".

Eventually I'll add a start-up options page where static settings such as sound can be enabled/disabled without using the command line, but for the moment I've left it enabled by default so that people can play the aydemo.

New working Wiz package available here -> Anybody who wants the source code should wait until it appears in the Wiz archive since it's based on a later revision (r72) of the official source package release.
