Release Sword of Fargoal


Still Fresh
Oct 4, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I posted this on OpenHandhelds just now. It's a quick 'n dirty port of the enhanced / official PC remake of the C64 classic Sword of Fargoal. I took the liberty of slightly enhancing the controls for the Pandora in a way that's pretty much sensible as long as you're using the default key-mappings for the buttons. :) Source is included right in the PND, so anyone that wants to have at it can go right ahead. :P Before anyone asks, it shouldn't be writing anything to the NAND. ;)

I find this is a perfect example of a game that benefits greatly from having gaming controls and keyboard right next to one another. Feedback, criticism, praise, etc., all welcome. :D Enjoy!
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I've been playing this for a week now and I can't pass it. When ever I get close to the sword thieves(the inadvisable enemies) take all my spells, very annoying. Did the original game auto-save? I wish I could save the game myself.
Muahahahaa...impossible just like I always thought the original C64 game was. :P Anyway, the original C64 game didn't have saving at all as I remember, just play it single-session. The enhanced PC version that this is a port of auto-saves just like this Pandora version but I'll throw you a bone - you can cheat if something bad happens by quitting with the Pandora button before going back out to the main menu (at least when launched from MiniMenu). ;)