great great, gotta try this later on. But are you going to add an equualizer into it? Would be nice, because the Bass isn´t very good (its not good on ALL MP3/WMA/Ogg Players, except for GPMADMP3, which has an eq). Oh yeah, and random play would be great, too.
EDIT: not sure why i said Random play (I must be stupid). I wanted to ask for a pause button
there is noise comming up, when the playlist saves, just as it was when you changed the artist/Title size thingy. Just thought i should mention it, because it wasn´t there in the 0.7 release.
Hey hoo.. I tried the svorbis v0.8.. The voltage mod was enabled (as I have one) like the example showed on your site. Alas the status stayed on 0.0V all the time :blink: