Svorbis V0.7 Is Out

unlucky said:
is there any key lock support thats all i'm really after
Key lock is start+select. And of cause you know that, because you've read the homepage.
unlucky said:
also does any1 know of a program that could in mass boost the bass on ogg's or mp3's so basically apply an equaliser to an mp3 or ogg instead of on the go like in alot of players
There is one mp3 player called GPMad ( ), that features a small equalizer. But I had trouble with some mp3s that weren't played correctly.

If anyone can supply me with some code of an equalizer I might be able to put it in.

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SvOlli posted on Jul 8 2004 at 12:02 PM said:
Make a suggestion how. Font is bound to 8x8 pixels. I can give you documentation on how the font is organised, so that you can draw your own, or rip them from any C64 demo or game. :P The GUI is as informative as it could be on the small screen. I want info there, not eye candy.
But dot-spread font is hard to look at <_<
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What is better a constant bitrate or a variable bitrate?
I'm using variable. There are some passages in the audio data that can be better compressed than others, so using constant can result in wasting space, because there's "not enough" data to fit in one block, or wasting quality because there's "too much" data to fit in one block.

I thought of that when I started this project, but the official docs state that turning of the LCD for a longer time will result in damaging it. I also doubt that it will increase the battery lifetime by far.

Maybe have a screensaver then? Because a screen that is stuck on the same colours for too long also tends to get damaged...
Maybe have a screensaver then? Because a screen that is stuck on the same colours for too long also tends to get damaged...
I haven't seen that on an LCD, only on CRTs and a TFT once. Implementation wouldn't be hard, though. If anyone can show me a photo of a burnt-in LCD I'll hack it in as soon as possible, if not it moves to the todo-later list ;)

aapje89 said:
At what mhz. does it run?
Right now it's 136MHz. The main problem is to find a CPU setting that gets as close to 44100 Hz for audio. I also found a 114MHz mode, but that one does suffer a bit more from the GP32 sound bug. If you know a better CPU setting than I do, you can provide is via the config file.

(Hint: the 114MHz mode can be set by putting "cpu.mclk = 114" in the svorbis.ini, or you can set all three parameter needed for the GpClockSpeedChange() call by setting cpu.mclk, cpu.divfactorand cpu.clkmode in the config file. On how to get these parameters you should search the forum. The defaults are: "cpu.mclk = 136000000", "cpu.divfactor = 0x3c011" and "cpu.clkmode = 3". Setting wrong CPU parameter can cause everything from a system crash to strange output.)

About the screensaver: I talked to a hardware guy in the company I work at daytime :) . His opinion is that strong direct sunlight is worse for the LCD then keeping the same picture for hours. Also keep in mind that the displayed playlist and track info changes for every track.

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But if a song has a lower kbps can I then lower the clockspeed, or only if the khz is lower?
I did a quick test with a ~43MB 44100Hz wave file on my host pc.

Ttime needed to decode:
-q8 (6974409 bytes) : ~8.0 seconds
-q5 (4588576 bytes) : ~7.0 seconds
-q2 (2662463 bytes) : ~5.6 seconds

so one can say: "the lower the bitrate, the lower the cpu usage during decompression."

But: cpu usage is not everything on the GP32, you also gotta watch the usage of cpu bus (the one that's responsable for transfer of data between CPU and RAM).
If the bus is clocked to slow for the amount of data transfered the gp32 sound bug tends to appear (the noise you hear, if you push the stick left/right).

Anyway, I don't see the big hassle about lowering the cpu clock speed. I always keep a second pair of rechargeable batteries with me. If the first pair is down, I'll switch and the second pair will keep me entertained 'til the end of the day, at least. So I rather prefer sound quality over battery lifetime.
