You dismiss it too easily - imagine you took a screenshot of your monitor, on the wiz you could show it as a jpg on the wiz viewer, and you can zoom into a readable section and scan across using arrow keys - that can be done already with the shit GPH firmware. Now think of a web browser in a similar situation, where you can quickly scan across the viewed section of the page using the touchscreen and bingo, you have a web browser for the wiz thats useable. If you cant imagine this, cut a wiz screen sized hole in one of your xmas cards and hold it to your monitor with a webpage open - now move it around, only taking in the part of the screen you can see in the hole at that time - by scanning it across with your hand you get an idea of how it would work in reality.
Also there's plenty of youtube type videos that can be streamed, not just viewing at web pages all the time.