Super Vison. Is It A Collectable Thing?


Well-Known Member
i was down at GameStation today and they had a Super Vision in the window. I never knew wjat it was until i someone was talkni about it in the worst console topic. So i was just wonderin how much they are worth ?
They are pretty rare, but when their on Ebay you can get them between $10-20. with a game or two, the games themselves are rarely over a couple of $$.

It was supposed to compete with the gameboy, it has about the same graphical capabilites, but its just a cheap knock off that never caught on, but it still had a library of almost 50 games.

ALSO: Watara was not the only company that made Supervisions, there were a few different companies and a few different versions, but all in all, they are all Supervisions. I know the Watara had a tv connector, kinda like the SNES had Super Gameboy, to play Supervison on the TV.
I saw Super Mario Bros 3, Megaman 2 and some other NES games at 2 quid each in game the other day, shame I was broke :'(
Charity shops for Nes games! (I got excite bike, punch out, soccer, balloon fight and mario 3 for £10 altogether)
ah i see i think it was £39!!!! or somethin so looks like i wont be buying it :p oh they had a little handheld namco game thing called pacland at firts i thought it was one of those game and watch things.
Is there a site which has info about all rare stuff?

I remeber there was an article in retrogamer, but im too poor to buy it
Certainly don't consider buying a Super Vision for playing the games. I had a Quickshot Super Vision and it's probably the worst console I've ever owned. It plays more like the cheap and nasty Radica handhelds than a Game Boy. Mine got sold pretty quickly and pretty cheaply!