Super Newb Dosent Even Own A Gp32 ><


Still Fresh
Jun 24, 2004

im new around here i just found out gp32 existed and that it could play dvix or xvid or somting like that, i know he gba can but it sucks the video is ok but the audo is horrible out of sink etc. i would go for the gba because of all the game that it has but if the gp32 can play a movie at a smooth rate with sink sound i will buy it in stead ><. so is it posible? can you really play video ins the gp32_console and it will sound and look good? or atleast decent enough to make you happy? thanks for your answers (o where cna i buy one in USA? compusa gamestop?)

Don't worry, there is no such thing as a stupid question in the place I moved your post to! (anyone who says so will face swift moderator wrath :D )

However, I just want to make sure you've checked the FAQ first! You can find it here:

If you've already given the FAQ a look-over, I apologize! If not, please give it a read and post back here with any questions the FAQ didn't cover.

...Personally, I would answer your questions now, but I'm just about to head to bed. Just wanted to make sure you got an answer in case everyone else is sleeping too.
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The GP32 can play videos pretty well. It plays them at 15 fps at 133 mhz. I know 15 fps sounds bad, but you should really see it in person. The LCD screen blens it all together. Also, unless you're in Europe, in the areas where the GP32 is going to be distributed, you won't be able to walk into a store a buy one off the shelf. You'll have to buy it off the internet.
Yep, the GP plays videos nicely, though its better with those that are either somewhat cartoony (even 3D cartoons are better - Finding Nemo, Shrek, and Monsters Inc all work brilliantly) or less fast paced. If the stuff you're watching is like that, then the quality you get will look like it rivals DVDs, at least on the small screen (if you were to zoom, it'd look horrible, but as it is, it looks great).

If you're going for more actioney stuff... well, I've seen a bad encode of Matrix 2 and it was horrible. Waaaay too few frames in the action, and the action itself meant that less data was given over to picture quality. That doesn't mean it *couldn't* be done better, if it were encoded for GPCinema as opposed to moviepark, of course, and if the GP's movie player can't do it, I'd be very surprised if the GBA one could, but if you *are* after movies with lots of action in, then you might want to wait until people who've done more recent encodes have allayed this possibility before going for one.

The other thing to bear in mind, of course, is that due to emulation, the GP actually ends up with a lot more games than the GBA, and many of them actually better. But then not if you're after commercial stuff, I suppose. Anyways, good luck making the choice that's right for you :)

[Mod - Since I edited the above post, this one doesn't make any sense, so I edited it to make even less sense. Please just PM a mod instead of trying to deal with it yourself, as it incited the flames found below, which were also edited.]
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im new around here i just found out gp32 existed and that it could play dvix or xvid or somting like that, i know he gba can but it sucks the video is ok but the audo is horrible out of sink etc. i would go for the gba because of all the game that it has but if the gp32 can play a movie at a smooth rate with sink sound i will buy it in stead ><. so is it posible? can you really play video ins the gp32_console and it will sound and look good? or atleast decent enough to make you happy? thanks for your answers (o where cna i buy one in USA? compusa gamestop?)
I'll avoid getting complicated and just say that GP32 video is excellent.

The only place to get a GP32 in the USA is ebay.

If you don't use ebay, I would suggest
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thanks for all the answers! and i did read the faq but i needed to see some one wirte that the videos look ok ( and yea im going to watch anime and the anime is already like 10 frames :P god naruto is so cheap is like 3 frames but i still want to watch it lol ><) thanks i will try gbax!! i will come when i get my gp32 and ask for help i want to play doom you know ><!!

im new around here i just found out gp32 existed and that it could play dvix or xvid or somting like that, i know he gba can but it sucks the video is ok but the audo is horrible out of sink etc. i would go for the gba because of all the game that it has but if the gp32 can play a movie at a smooth rate with sink sound i will buy it in stead ><. so is it posible? can you really play video ins the gp32_console and it will sound and look good? or atleast decent enough to make you happy? thanks for your answers (o where cna i buy one in USA? compusa gamestop?)
I'll avoid getting complicated and just say that GP32 video is excellent.

The only place to get a GP32 in the USA is ebay.

If you don't use ebay, I would suggest
There are places in the US to get a GP32, like and (although it is kind of pricy).
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