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Newbie McNewb

Still Fresh
Jun 7, 2003
im thinking about buying a gp32. all the ads make it seem all easy to use, but then i hear about people who need to program sh!t and stuff like that. all i want to do is be able to watch episodes of Family Guy (greatest show of all times, 10x funnier than the simpsons). they say it can play divxs and .avi files, but do i need special software? can it play mpg4s too? one more question: should i get the frontlit one or the backlit one?
i have no idea what virtualdub is or what it does. all i wanna know is how to play divxs and stuff.

I agree. You're really getting on everyone's nerves here.

First you post a topic that's used as an advertisement for this topic, then you ask some really, really stupid questions that would have answered themselves had your attention span been more than 10 minutes; the time it would have taken to look around a little and find some answers.

Lastly, this topic should have been posted in the HELP section.

I and others might have responded a bit more kindly if you didn't treat us like mindless sheep whose only purpose is to be lured into answering your stupid questions.

And I WILL NOT answer your question until the moderators move this topic to the "HELP" section. That might be a little while, so now would be a good time to develop your patience skills.
movie player to play vids

If you can afford it get a lit version if not get normal

also try the search function on this site as well as /


backlights and frontlights aren't the same -_-' Backlight= Light is BEHIND the screen, usually an extremely bright light, and shines THROUGH the LCD to light it (gamegear) but this kind of display tends to blur and have odd issues displaying at angles, and isn't as sharp as a reflective display (light can't shine through, but light can shine ONTO the front of the screen) a frontlight is mounted to shine light across the TFT LCD...
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yeah, you could have got all your answers in about 10mins if you would have just TRIED to look around and read.
Robo, i think he meant that the frontlit/backlit are the same when referring to a Gp32 with a lighting solution. There is no seperate Frontlit version and a seperate Backlit version, there is only a non-lit version or a frontlit version (hence the term GP32 FLU).
Alot of people get confused by this mainly because Craig has wrongly advertised the lit GP32 on his site as being backlit, then you see people in these forums and on the IRC channels referring to the units as frontlit. Hence, alot of newbs think that there are 2 seperate versions.

And yes, the GP32 with lighting solution IS frontlit, because it uses a clear lighting screen positioned INFRONT of the main display in order to light it.
A few things Newbie McNewb...

1) If you post and people dont answer, it's either cos there's no one around who can, or because the answers are already around somewhere....

2) A topic acalled 'Newb needs help' should, of course, go in the 'Help and other stuff' forum (forgivable cos you're new to this forum) , so I'm moving this thread.

3) If you get on people's nerves by reposting stupid topics, then you're only going the way to get yourself banned (Other topic deleted).

4) Have a good look around the forums before asking newbie questions (this applies on any forum). That's what the search button is for.

5) People will be a lot more sympathy if you treat people with respect and think out your questions before posting. And SHOUTING GETS YOU NOWHERE.

Thanks for listening and welcome to the club....
You did seem a bit rude. That said, the forums are here to provide help, so:

To play .avi files or.mpeg files or whatever you need to re-encode them. This isn't difficult at all - the program used to do it can seem a bit daunting, but there are excellent step-by-step guides here (the program is free - links to downloads are also found on these sites): (if you want to encode movies from DVD),
here: (probably the simplest and certainly the quickest technique)
or here: (Produces higher-quality video files but takes longer... not really necessary for simple animation like family guy)

While there is lots of scope for experimentation with this, if you don't want to bother you don't need to: these guides tell you everything you need to know, step-by step. The process is quite simple and very easy to follow.

In addition to these, you will need a Smart Media Card (SMC) big enough to fit the encoded files on to. I can usually get an episode of family guy under 30 MB, but you may as well get a 128MB card (or any size you like, but it must be 3.3v) so you can fit multiple episodes on it. Oh, and feature films :). This doesn't really count as extra expense 'cos you need one to store games / mp3s on anyway - without it there's nothing you can do with the GP32.

You will also need to buy MoviePark software from joyGP or Gamepark... look around the forums. It costs about $4 (US), and is downloaded to your computer automatically.

"Frontlit or backlit": the choice doesn't exist! You have the option of normal unit - no light source, but clear, very reflective screen (better than the gameboy advance for visibility). Or the "FLU" (front-light unit). Using the light does drain battery life (from ~10hours to ~3, or so I'm told), but the light is reported to be clear and distorsion-free.

A note though - read the post "forum ettiquette" - I think it's currently a sticky post at the top of General. And pay attention to Axeman's advice! If you hadn't already had a bit of mild abuse telling you off for being so rude, I wouldn't have replied to a post like that. Asking for advice is obviously fine (that's what the community is here for!), but there's no need to start more than one new post, or to be surprised if no-one answers your post in the first few minutes. Even if you are shocked by this, what's the point of going on about it? It won't male people read your post any sooner, and when they do they'll just be annoyed. Finally, using caps lock looks like you're SHOUTING! It can get very annoying to read, and won't make you any friends.

Next time, be polite, be patient and have a brief look round in past threads or FAQ sections (not one on this site here yet, but a quick google would have turned up which has a very good faq section. And also happens to answer both your questions without all this preachiness you've been getting thrown at you.

Hope to see you on the board again sometime - it's a good community on here, and if you play nice they will!

Have fun,
I'm locking this right now.

I'm 99% sure Newbie McNewb is merely a troll. The facts are plain - posting in wrong place, multiple redundant posts, question that's in FAQ and covered in millions of other places, unclear topic title ("needs help"), posting in caps, stupid username that would never be used for any real reason, etc.

I did an IP check, but there is no other user in the same kind of IP range. Still, I believe NMN is actually someone on this board right now. Troll again, and you'll be banned.

- Rico
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