Cant Get My Gp32 To Work


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
I simply just cant turn it on. Looks like it dosent get any power, just nothing happens. Got i today from Liksang. ANY IDEAS? Using AA-batteries... Do they have to be COMPLETELY new? Can start my GBA with them, but not the GP32 :angry:
It could be DOA, try it with a different set of batteries (duracell or other qualoty brand) - make sure you are putting them in the right way round too.

If that doesnt work send it back to lik-sang and get a replacement.
Okey, i have tested it with all batteries in my house. Different brands and everything, but just NOTHING happens when i start it >_<

Thanks anyway :(
Okey :\

Should i contact Liksang before i send it, or just send it back with some message that its DOA?
I dont have any adapter. And even if it works with an adapter but not with batteries, its not worth it. But im gonna test if i get the chance.
I would not test it with an adaptor incase you acidently fry something inside it and Lik-Sang Voids your warrenty if they open it up and find Burnt out Components from use of High / Incorrect Voltage... Just contact them, Cos they will probably have something where you MUST contact them within 48hours upon delivery if you have any problems ( most sites do that....) and they will tell you where to send it back to Etc (Well I think they will anyway :D)
Yeah, it REALLY sucks. Ive waited for it to arrive in a couple of weeks. Getting it and the thing dosent work... Im soo pissed of right now :angry:

Anyways i emailed Liksang about it... But i guess they're asleep in Hongkong right now >_<
well if you get the chance to test it with an adapter, check to see if it can run at 166mhz. If it does you should be a little more hesitant to let Lik-Sang replace it, and you can send it to mashmods to fix the problem (I had the exact same thing happen to me, except mine died after a couple of weeks)
Lets hope i dont get to pay for the shipping costs and all that <_< This GP32 already cost me some money... Hade to pay like 40$ for customs :angry:
this exact same thing happened to me a few weeks back. when it came i counldnt get any power to it (it was from lik sang) It worked with an ac adapter that was it. so i contacted them and sent it back (you have to pay for the price of sending it back, i used royal mail airmail it cost about £4) Then when it got back to them i got an email telling me one would be shipped out 'priority mail' and it took exactly a week from them. so i posted it off on the wednesday and got it on the secobd monday. (so it took about 10 days). But the good thing was the first one i had only went up to 156 the one i got back goes up to 166! Oh one ome thing make sure they put replacement, value 0 on the customs that way youll be guarenteed not to have to pay any more import charges.
Okey! Recvied a new GP32 from Liksang today. Yay!

But, i don't really understand the filetransfer-thingy. Is there any other program than the official PC-transfer-program? How do i fix my SMC to have the GP32-folders and so on? Maybe you can redirect me to some guide. Thanks!
Ah, i had to format it, stupid me >_< dosent allow me to download the freelauncher though... even i already have registred the Gp32.¨

EDIT: Ah, got everything fixed. What an awesome console! :lol: