Wow a busy topic 
Pepppe thanks for helping with the caanoo file, was it just changing the .gpe ? Or did they need the caanoo bennu runtime too ?
Jlenoconel - if it works for Orion487. I'm sure you'll get it running too, always start with galaxian, make sure bgd-runtime and bgd-galaxian folders are on your sd card.
To the person with the pandora, does the Linux port of bennu run on the pandora ? I'm sure someone will be working on porting it if not.
Like has been said it is sad that Sega apparantly gave permission then withdrew it but this often happens when homebrew proves popular, let's just hope it means they will release something (although not this) in the future.
I'm really impressed with bennu paricularly as it's multi platform - when anyone asks me about languages for beginners coding games it's going to get a +1 from me. I really wish console makers would allow homebrew easier, having only just got my wiz I can say open platforms are a breath of fresh air.
Pepppe thanks for helping with the caanoo file, was it just changing the .gpe ? Or did they need the caanoo bennu runtime too ?
Jlenoconel - if it works for Orion487. I'm sure you'll get it running too, always start with galaxian, make sure bgd-runtime and bgd-galaxian folders are on your sd card.
To the person with the pandora, does the Linux port of bennu run on the pandora ? I'm sure someone will be working on porting it if not.
Like has been said it is sad that Sega apparantly gave permission then withdrew it but this often happens when homebrew proves popular, let's just hope it means they will release something (although not this) in the future.
I'm really impressed with bennu paricularly as it's multi platform - when anyone asks me about languages for beginners coding games it's going to get a +1 from me. I really wish console makers would allow homebrew easier, having only just got my wiz I can say open platforms are a breath of fresh air.