Strange Battery Problems.....


Jul 6, 2005
Shadow Moses, in a cardboard box
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Hi all,

I've had my GP2X since April, I got it from, and everything was fine. The batteries I got bundled with the Value Pack were great, and ran for 4 - 6 hours depending on what I was running. However, recently there have been...... problems. I first noticed that something was wrong a few weeks ago, when on the built in media player (FW 2.1.1) whenever I turned the LCD back on, the system would sometimes freeze. Now, whenever I use these batteries, except for when they're at full charge, the GP2X crashes on the green boot up screen - the screen scrambles up and a high-pitch noise comes out the speakers, exactl the way it acts when the batteries are drained, even though they're not. I feared that my GP2X was bricked, but when I used my universal power supply, the GP2X runs without a hitch. I assumed the batteries were dead, and bought some new Uniross 2700mah batteries with a charger. The batteries took 10 hours to charge, but to my dismay, they lasted a measly 30 minutes in Picodrive, clocked at 240mhz. I know Uniross batteries are supposed to be rubbish, but it's worrying that they only last 30 mins, and so I fear that there may be a problem with my GP2X. I have done some research, and have found Ansmann batteries to be highly recommended so I am saving up my money to order some of them with a high speed Ansmann DigiSpeed 4 charger, but if anybody knows that it is a problem with my GP2X and not batteires, is there any way to fix it? And if not, does cover GP2X's under a warranty and, if so, is my GP2X still covered?

check the contacts to see if they have come loose from the board. If this is the case it causes the electricity to flow poorly or increases resistance so your gp2x is basically operating like the batteries are dead because it is not getting enough voltage. You have to re-solder to fix if this is in fact what is wrong.
i had a similar problem with mine, but i have no idea what caused it - i would email and they should get it repaired (they did for me) but it will probably take a while (took bout 5 weeks for me)

have you used a multi voltage psu on it?
Yes, the PSU I use is indeed multi-voltage, but it's always been set to 3V - I know anything higher can wreck the machine. It works fine when I use the PSU, it just seems to be draining the batteries at an extremely high rate.

I guess I'll have to send it off because it's probably an internal problem, but I don't know if I can manage without my GP2X for 5 weeks! :'( I'm still up for other suggestions though in case it isn't a hardware fault (I can't solder by the way).
I have exactly the same problem, this is almost 10 months I'm using a set of rechargeables batteries which gives me only 30mn of play :huh: This is really annoying, and since I have bought my gp2x at the very beginning (back in 2005) I have no warranty anymore ... This will be one of the main reasons for me to bought one of these sexy new 'slim & light' psp :)
I think i have the same problem (only 30 minutes of autonomy)...

I suspected about the batteries (2700mah), but i have not done so many recharges...
I use the power adaptor now... :(

Also the joypad is starting to run bad...

I think my GP2X is getting premature old... :o
I also have 2700 batteries that didn't last longer than 30 minutes.
But I bought new 1900 ones and they last like it should be.
I was thinking of getting one of those MAHA super charger that does the refreshing trick (full charge-discharge 2-4 times) to see if I can give a second life to my 2700.