Stppc2x V1.1 Released.

'slaanesh' said:
Thanks for your detailed reply.
If I had the time I'd try porting Net and Galaxy to the GP32 - assuming they don't take up more than 8MB of RAM - well substantially less then that. Probably more like 6.5MB I'd guess as a maximum.
A quick and dirty hack tells me that, not including the program size itself or fonts loaded or graphics drawn, untangle takes less than 11Kb of RAM to draw on screen (I didn't even bother to measure free()ing of memory, just malloc'ing). Net takes about 16Kb on default settings.

I would estimate that with SDL, fonts, etc. you'll *easily* fit it in less than 5Mb of RAM total without even struggling. It's basically one framebuffer, two fonts, a cached 320x240 image or two, a bit of SDL and some working RAM (and that's assuming you just directly use the code without bothering to edit it at all).

Even under Windows, with the cygwin libraries etc. untangle takes less than 5Mb of RAM.

Now, some games in the collection do allocate memory heavily once you get to high sizes, but with a handful of megs you can go quite high in a lot of the games.
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