Still Not Here, And Still Not The Most Powerful Handheld

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Per Chad78's post, why did yall lock the topic. I liked his opinion, and he and others should be allowed to express it. here we call it free speech, someone else, is anyones guess. People have had enough and are fed up with delays, on the pandara.The peole that made all this possible have no say what say ever, on what is goingon, and that is the people that ordered this thing. , That will never be shipped.
Chad has a history of making trouble here, and he only came back to stir up some more. Besides, there are Odroid threads in the Other Consoles section. That's where you start threads about other consoles, all the free speech you want in there. This is a Pandora subforum.
One problem was it was turning into a Odroid thread and this is a Pandora forum. If he would have posted in the 'Other consoles' it probably wouldn't have been locked.

I'm all for free speech but there is also trolling, basically trying to stir up turmoil in the Pandora community. If he did it differently, say not mention another handheld, it probably wouldn't have been locked either.

You could also look at this forum as owned by Craig and Co.. I don't know how it is where this forum is hosted but the US the Supreme Court ruled that owners have the right to stop protests on their propriety, and Craig and Co. own this forum. So you only have moral not legal ground.
Gerald, you're probably not aware but Chad78 has a long and interesting history on this board. His post was pure trolling and would have attracted massive flaming, which is no good for anyone.

There are already two topics about the Odroid in the "Other Consoles" and/or "Off-Topic" forums, you're welcome to go there to discuss it.

edit: I've always wanted to say, "Ninja'd". And now I have.
second exodous said:
You could also look at this forum as owned by Craig and Co.. I don't know how it is where this forum is hosted but the US the Supreme Court ruled that owners have the right to stop protests on their propriety, and Craig and Co. own this forum. So you only have moral not legal ground.
The forum is owned by Hando (who has no affiliation with OP Ltd). It's hosted by EvilDragon now, after major troubles with Hando's hosting provider.
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Sorry to say, that the people that own this forum, are the ones paying for all the work that has been going on, us. Kick me off if they like, but iM jsut plain old fashioned disappointed, that I wont evr get a unit. but the one in the video is working finee, and the ones that were sent to selct people are wwworking fine. it ddoesnt amtter anymore, as nowone here cares about the peole that ordered this thing, and with high hopes, only to have them dashed wiht delay after delay. as quick as they got thoenes put together that only a select few received, should just go ahead and assemble things htemselevs. oh, but they cant because of a nother delay.
... OK, I'm going to join the group and say it.
Those are your options. We're all happy to wait.
This thread kinda sucks, but honestly I don't really like 95% of the thread locks that happen in these forums. Makes them much less interesting.
Gerald1 said:
Sorry to say, that the people that own this forum, are the ones paying for all the work that has been going on, us. Kick me off if they like, but iM jsut plain old fashioned disappointed, that I wont evr get a unit. but the one in the video is working finee, and the ones that were sent to selct people are wwworking fine. it ddoesnt amtter anymore, as nowone here cares about the peole that ordered this thing, and with high hopes, only to have them dashed wiht delay after delay. as quick as they got thoenes put together that only a select few received, should just go ahead and assemble things htemselevs. oh, but they cant because of a nother delay.
Your only course of action this stage is to ring the GP32X Conglomerated office, demand to be put directly through to Pandara, and get your hosting costs and share dividends paid out. And while you're at it, ask them where the hell we can get some Tang.
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Gerald1 said:
Sorry to say, that the people that own this forum, are the ones paying for all the work that has been going on, us. Kick me off if they like, but iM jsut plain old fashioned disappointed, that I wont evr get a unit. but the one in the video is working finee, and the ones that were sent to selct people are wwworking fine. it ddoesnt amtter anymore, as nowone here cares about the peole that ordered this thing, and with high hopes, only to have them dashed wiht delay after delay. as quick as they got thoenes put together that only a select few received, should just go ahead and assemble things htemselevs. oh, but they cant because of a nother delay.

I totally agree with Gerald1. I too like peanut butter. :P
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Gerald1 said:
Per Chad78's post, why did yall lock the topic. I liked his opinion, and he and others should be allowed to express it. here we call it free speech, someone else, is anyones guess. People have had enough and are fed up with delays, on the pandara.The peole that made all this possible have no say what say ever, on what is goingon, and that is the people that ordered this thing. , That will never be shipped.

Stop whining
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I have To say that the peoole who hav put their trust ins PAndora over and over just dont understand the GRAIG HAS teaken ther money and spend it on bear and hoakers.
There is a big fat line between free speech and pointless bellyaching. This is just more bellyaching. No amount of whining or complaining is going to make the Pandora ship any faster.

If you're tired of waiting, then cancel your order. As the 15 previous replies have pointed out, everybody else here understands the delays, even if they're not exactly thrilled about them. Chad is a dick, plain and simple. He never ordered a Pandora, and he only posted to make a nuisance of himself. His thread was closed before it became an all-out flame fest. This thread is closed for the same reason.
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