"The most powerful handheld in the world"

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Mar 28, 2009
Sorry I read the thread where it was locked because "chad is a douche".

Someone being a douchebag doesn't make you right though and I can't let you lot believe what you are believing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWDDPAmZ ... re=channel

That's the ipod touch and iphone....there's a million more games of similar caliber out making them both "gaming handhelds."

Does the fact the Iphone has a camera make it a camera?

Does the fact that it has a web browser make it a (well) web browser?

Does the fact it has a library of 3d games on par with playstation graphics supported by big developers make it a gaming handheld?
erm.lets see, fits in hand, can play games from commercial developers....yes?
zrichi said:

That's a video of ASSASSINS CREED on the ipod touch and iphone.

Chad may very well be the biggest douche bag on the world...but he's a douche-bag that's right. The claim is invalid

a douche that might be right, remember what the defintion of power is, its useless if you can take advantage of it
anyway the last topic was closed and this should be to, should feeding the trolls
From what we know about the iPhone 3GS it doesn't have more powerful gaming hardware than the Pandora because it has a weaker 3D chip. So calling it more powerful on a basis of raw hardware is debatable, and when it comes to gaming I don't think it's going to win, unless the information we have is wrong.

iPhone has some high profile games, and a lot of terrible ones. But that isn't really relevant to the people here because as far as most of us are concerned, the controls on iPhone are too limited to make it well rounded enough for their gaming needs. It's more that it can play a few genres okay and several miserably. It'll almost definitely have more commercial games than Pandora ever will, but when it comes to quality of emulating console games it'll fall far short for the vast majority of users.

Really anything can have games, and many phones, PDAs, and so on that completely lack interfaces designed to play most games well do. I really don't think that iPhone was designed with games in mind, and is rather something Apple is capitalizing on after the fact.

I don't really like OP's claims either, but the way things are now we still have a pretty segmented market. There are big name gaming handhelds like DS and PSP that are not rolled out very often and eventually lag behind in capability. There are phones, PDAs, MIDs, netbooks, etc that are designed for a large variety of purposes but most people consider them poor for most games due to lacking controls. Then there are small name gaming handhelds that until now have mostly come out of China and South Korea, which have offered at least attempted gaming controls but are usually behind in other features and raw power. Pandora means to compete in the latter two segments, with emphasis on being a substantial offering in the last one.
Hey does the fact that the iphone 3Gs has a shitty camera in comparison to say a Cannon Powershot XS10 mean that it's a shitty camera?


Does the fact that the iphone/itouch have shitty gaming controls mean it's a shitty gaming device?


The old thread wasnt closed because chad was being a douche, it was closed because he was trolling.... and he was being a douche.
I like what Exophase just said, he has a point, gaming handhelds don't come out with new models nearly as much as phones do. The title of "The most powerful handheld in the world" could always be given to a phone, a new better one comes out every 6 months where the DS and PSP have lives of years.

I think we need to look at the title "The most powerful Gaming heldheld in the world," this probably couldn't be a phone as they don't have the correct input for gaming. Sure, if the game is designed for that particular phone then it's great, but for general gaming gaming on a gaming handheld will always be better I would think.

Lets look at the games on the 'weak' PSP and DS and compare them to games on any 'powerful' phone for a second. I think the ratio of good games is higher on a gaming handheld than a phone. Sure, there are a lot of crap games on the DS and PSP but there are a lot of crap apps also. If the ratio of good game apps compared to crap games apps on the iphone is higher than the ratio of good games compared to crap games on DS or PSP I'd be surprised.

Now, lets say the ratio is the same, with a dedicated gaming handheld you'll still get more games, meaning more good games, and you won't have to update in 6 months either.

However; as for the Pandora I don't think this applies, gaming handheld and the handheld category. I think the Pandora is more than a phone or a gaming handheld, I think it should be put in a class by itself really. Heck, there is a netbook category now, i.e. a small notebook. Handheld is too broad a category though, or at least I think so.

I don't know where to find this said locked thread where chad is a 'douche' so I might not understand the debate correctly. So I might be going wayyyyyyyyyyy off subject, sorry.
Alpha2 said:
Hey does the fact that the iphone 3Gs has a shitty camera in comparison to say a Cannon Powershot XS10 mean that it's a shitty camera?


Does the fact that the iphone/itouch have shitty gaming controls mean it's a shitty gaming device?


The old thread wasnt closed because chad was being a douche, it was closed because he was trolling.... and he was being a douche.

You just answered the question there...You consider the Iphone a gaming device regardless of whether you think it's shitty or not.

I personally think they're utter gash and most games are a shallow 5 minutes of entertainment. However whether it's "gash" or "shitty" is purely subjective as my brother can play it for 6 hours straight.

So now we've answered the fact that an iPhone is a gaming device (albeit a gash or shitty one), and it pretty much is running the same hardware as a pandora it does not make the pandora "the most powerful gaming handheld by far."
zrichi said:
Alpha2 said:
Hey does the fact that the iphone 3Gs has a shitty camera in comparison to say a Cannon Powershot XS10 mean that it's a shitty camera?


Does the fact that the iphone/itouch have shitty gaming controls mean it's a shitty gaming device?


The old thread wasnt closed because chad was being a douche, it was closed because he was trolling.... and he was being a douche.

You just answered the question there...You consider the Iphone a gaming device regardless of whether you think it's shitty or not.

I personally think they're utter gash and most games are a shallow 5 minutes of entertainment. However whether it's "gash" or "shitty" is purely subjective as my brother can play it for 6 hours straight.

So now we've answered the fact that an iPhone is a gaming device (albeit a gash or shitty one), and it pretty much is running the same hardware as a pandora it does not make the pandora "the most powerful gaming handheld by far."
you're not listening. the iphone isn't a gaming device. even if it was, you're still not listening, the 3D chip is stronger, the iphone has an overhead OS. now let this topic die.
Amazingly I posted this exact same topic a few days ago, and it was deleted. I then complained about it being deleted and then that was deleted too.

I'm glad this post hasn't been delete too.

I would like to offer the following -

In my original post (that was deleted for some unknown reason) I listed the following games as examples of true HARDCORE games that run on the iPhone. Just so that we are sure that it is in fact a good gaming handheld.

The Quest (couldn't get more old-skool and hardcore than that)
Zenonia (ditto)
Flight Control ( a truly excellent game that uses the 'allegedly' shit controls to their utmost)
Star Defense

There are MANY MANY more.

Just because the pandora has different controls does not mean that it is better, or more 'powerful', it just means it is different). Look at the Wii (but let me guess you think that's rubbish too, lol).

In a recent Gadget Show the iPhone beat both the PSP and the DS in a 'whats the best gaming HANDHELD' playoff. This was mainly due to its innovative control machanism and excellent games.

Just denying the fact that the iPhone is a gaming handheld that is now (in its 3Gs form) just as powerful as the Pandora is getting you nowhere. Things have moved on since last Autumn, and the Pandora is no longer ahead of the crowd.

P.S. Its graphics chip is the same as the new iPhones.
I'm still confused on the topic, the title is "The Most Powerful Handheld in the World". I still think Handheld is too broad a term. A PDA that can't play games is a handheld also. As far as raw processing power the iphone wins, I looked for a 'handheld' that was in production that used the Atom chip or something but for right now they are all on the drawing board right now.

If you want to just say '(insert device name here) is a handheld that plays games' great, you can do that with any handheld that can play minesweeper. But, if you want to say 'the iPhone is the most powerful gaming handheld' then I think you would be wrong, the iPhone is a handheld device that plays games.

Lets say you have a store and someone wants you to tell them about the ipod touch. Do you say 'its a gaming handheld' before you say 'it's a music player'? You would say 'it's a music player that can also play games'.

Someone else comes in and wants you to tell them about the PSP. The first thing you say is 'it's a game player' then you would say 'it plays music also'.

For the broad term 'handheld' that just means any handheld device, including the iphone/ipod touch. If you want to use the term 'gaming handheld' then I would feel reluctant to put the Apple devices under that category.

So, I think that by the thread title the iphone is correct and you can't really argue. It does have the most raw processing power. If someone wants to start a thread on "The Most Powerful Gaming Handheld in the World" great, go do that and you can argue that the iphone doesn't fit in your description therefor cannot hold the title.

I don't see the point of this thread though, I read it and just come to the conclusion that 'Handheld' is way to broad and is confusing people.
Ok, I thought of an example. Saying 'handheld' is like saying 'vehicle'. You could say your sports car 'is the most powerful vehicle in the world' as it is really really fast.

Now, walk up to some rednecks and ask them to 'look at my truck' and they say something to the effect of 'WTF, thats a sports car.' You could point out that it has a trunk, therefor you can 'haul' things, making it a truck, but would you be correct? Also, a truck can go really really fast, so you could say it is a sports car. Once again though, would you be correct?

So, we have the general term 'vehicle' and the sub categories 'sports car' and 'Truck' in this example. Lets apply general terms and sub categories to the Apple devices, the PSP, DS, and Pandora. Just because the iphone plays games does not make it a 'gaming handheld' but it still fits in the general term 'handheld'. I would think you would put the iphone in a sub category like 'smartphone' really, and the ipod touch into 'music player'. The Pandora would go in to the 'gaming handheld' category along with the PSP and DS.

Now, lets look at the name of this thread, "The most powerful handheld in the world", 'handheld' being a general term, what device would you give that title to out of the Apple devices, Pandora, PSP, and DS? I think the Apple devices get the title as 'powerful' makes me think of raw processing power and it's 600 MHz iphone compared to the 430-MHz Pandora, and whatever PSP or DS has, i'm sure it's under the Pandora.

I wanted to argue the Pandora because I think it offers a better game playing experience coupled with an equal graphics processor, but the title of this tread has nothing to do with games or graphics. I know that there has to be a handheld that is more 'Powerful' than the Apple devices though, but I can't find any that are on the market or even in production yet.
ha someone made me laugh
and implied the gadget show isnt bias

you could stick the apple logo on a mules ass
and it would be called the greatest form of transport, to come out in recent years

just google it, the biased show is well known for it
they even admit it in one of the challenges calling it inferior but that they would still rather have it

im sry i hate all things apple due to it bein way over priced
the companies ethnics, the unwilliness to conform and meet standards
and because of the mainstream audience to which it targets

who believe its the be all and end all (ipod)
If it has a processor, it can play games. My satellite box has tetris on it, with more downloadable games from the satellite system. That doesn't make it a video game console.
Anywho, I think the whole debate is pretty stupid either way, at least to the point that some people are getting so worked up about it. If it were Sony or Apple where such a claim could arguably cause large swings in purchases then it might be worth it, but when talking about such a niche product with other unique feature sets to drive sales it seems like a lot of wasted energy.
Should they remove the claim? Probably, or at least disambiguate it. We might understand "handheld" to mean handheld gaming system, but that's not the literal take on the word.
Should people get all foamy at the mouth over it? I don't think so. The OP team might not even remember the particular words they wrote there. A polite letter stating your case ("hey, do you really think you can claim to have the most powerful handheld with the 3GS as competition?") to either Craigix or EvilDragon (ED probably more likely to respond and possibly fix) is probably all that is needed.
piercer said:
P.S. Its graphics chip is the same as the new iPhones.

You think an SGX 520 is the same as an SGX 530? That's interesting. Actually, the 530 should have almost twice the raw power at the same clock speed. We don't know what clock speed iPhone 3GS's runs at but my money would not be on something that's much higher than OMAP3530's 110MHz.
personally think they're utter gash and most games are a shallow 5 minutes of entertainment. However whether it's "gash" or "shitty" is purely subjective as my brother can play it for 6 hours straight.

if only the battery lasted 6 hours :wink:
apparently, the iphone can be overclocked to 833mhz. pandora can be overclocked to over 900mhz. problem solved.
Well, the only think I'm certain of is I'll never own an iPhone 3gs or a iPod Touch, but I have my Pandora pre-ordered.

I still don't see the point of this tread though, why even bring it up? I think I still must be missing something, that locked and/or deleted thread must have been holy scripture or something to keep the flame burning like this. Does the Pandora or the Iphone go on the cross? Because which ever one does pretty much wins.
Both sides have made their points and it's nothing more than a semantics game. Feel free to talk about the iphone 3GS and how it compares to the pandora hardware in the other handhelds forum.

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