Still Need Help


Still Fresh
Nov 27, 2003
Tampa, FL
A while back i tried to put Wind-ups on my gp32. Now when i turn on my gp32 it flashes a black screen for a split second then goes blank. I was wondering if there is any way to fix it. Like a program or somthing.
Did you flash your gp32? or just running the fxe?

If flashing, you may have a bad flash and need to fix it via a Jtag cable... (more info if that is the case)
Either build a JTAG cable for yourself and use the software (seems like only the Linux version is running properly).
You'll find the instructions of building a JTAG cable here:

Well, if you can't do it for yourself, head over to and look at the support page.
If you send your GP32 to them, they'll fix it for free.

But BEFORE you do that, check if it's REALLY a bad flash!
Remove the SMC and turn the GP32 on - if it stays black, it is a bad flash.
If a menu appears (depending on the firmware you have on it), you probably just need to reformat your SMC :)
No sorry, I don't. I think the best way for you would be to build a JTAG cable or find someone who got enough knowledge to help you build one.
What exactly happened when you flashed it? Did you get an error message, did it lock up, or did the batteries go out during the process?
When I got to the end of the flash it says Done, please reset!!! so i resetted and nothing showed up on my screen. So I turned it off and held select and turned on and nothis poped up. just a blank screen.
Bad flash.
No choice I'm afraid; either send it overseas or try to build that JTAG cable.

Are you sure you used fresh batteries when you flashed it?
vintendo posted on Jul 1 2004 at 08:42 PM said:
yes i used fresh energizer e2's. I guess i will send it overseas. :( . How long does it take to reflash it?
My guess is about as long as it took to flash it in the first place, ~1 minute. Good luck :)
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TelcoLou posted on Jul 2 2004 at 10:55 AM said:
vintendo posted on Jul 1 2004 at 08:42 PM said:
yes i used fresh energizer e2's. I guess i will send it overseas. :( . How long does it take to reflash it?
My guess is about as long as it took to flash it in the first place, ~1 minute. Good luck :)
No as far as I know (and I've only been here for 3 or so months), the BIOS has to be written using the JTAG which takes much longer before you can flash (via a new BIOS?)
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TelcoLou posted on Jul 2 2004 at 10:55 AM said:
My guess is about as long as it took to flash it in the first place, ~1 minute. Good luck :)
A jTag flash takes a LONG time to run :o and will eat a new set of batts, best done with a DC supply.

As for turning your GP32 around, that is entirely down to the kind soul who offers to re-flash your GP32. I guess you would allow 2 weeks with real life and the post getting in the way.
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