Sticky right shoulder button and weird file hierarchy issue.


Oct 15, 2008

I'm trying to access some sub folders in my memory cards and storage devices, but they can't be copied or accessed. I can still run all my apps just fine oddly enough. The other weird thing is the size on most of my folders reads '32.0 kb' when it should be something like '402.1 mb' or something. This all started when my friend pulled the battery in and out of the pandora a few times in order to try and fix the stick right shoulder button.

Should I try flashing to the latest firmware?

Speaking of the shoulder button, it's fairly sticky and sometimes doesn't work (it wasn't always like this) how can I fix it?
regarding the right shoulder button have you played about with loosening the screw underneath the battery which is facing the right shoulder button?
Regarding the folder problem: if you are using the default Thunar file manager then a bug won't let you go down more than a couple of levels into subfolders. You should change your View type from "icons" to "detail" or vice versa (dont remember right now)
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Peelie: I did play with the screw and got it to work somewhat, but it's still pretty sticky.

Lobo:Thanks for the advice, I'll try that.