So I recently bought myself one of A. R. Taylor's USB cables and a silicone USB keyboard. I fire up sterm and it works a treat (so far as the weird keyboard allows, anyway), but there's a serious problem - the only characters shift works for plain letters. While sterm indicates my shift key is depressed, pushing semicolon (US English keyboard here) produces a semicolon, not a colon; pushing the single quote key produces a single quote. I haven't figured out a way to get a colon, double quote, question or exclamation mark or any of the other bits of punctuation you get from shift using my keyboard in sterm.
Has anyone else run into this or do you have any ideas? Lack of a colon is a pretty serious problem in vi.
Has anyone else run into this or do you have any ideas? Lack of a colon is a pretty serious problem in vi.