Serial Porter
Here is Stellarium, an OpenSource Planetarium software.
This Build 01 use an old engine, v0.10, that uses Qt4.
I have a build 02 that include the latest version, using Qt5.4, but I have some problem on CC model. I have to check on a Rebirth the status (but it runs well on my Gigahertz).
Meanwhile, enjoy this port.
I know some dialogs are a bit to high, I haven't worked on that for now.
History log
Build 01

This Build 01 use an old engine, v0.10, that uses Qt4.
I have a build 02 that include the latest version, using Qt5.4, but I have some problem on CC model. I have to check on a Rebirth the status (but it runs well on my Gigahertz).
Meanwhile, enjoy this port.
I know some dialogs are a bit to high, I haven't worked on that for now.
History log
Build 01
- Initial build
- Based on old engine v0.10
- Using Qt4