Release Stellarium


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Stellarium, an OpenSource Planetarium software.


This Build 01 use an old engine, v0.10, that uses Qt4.

I have a build 02 that include the latest version, using Qt5.4, but I have some problem on CC model. I have to check on a Rebirth the status (but it runs well on my Gigahertz).

Meanwhile, enjoy this port.

I know some dialogs are a bit to high, I haven't worked on that for now.

History log


Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Based on old engine v0.10
  • Using Qt4
Hi ptitSeb !

Thank you very much for porting Stellarium to the Pandora, it's such a great application !

Feel free to PM me your second build, I'd be glad to give it a try on my Rebirth :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Note that it does not start using SGX 4.10 on my GHz.  Works fine on SGX 4.03 though.  Nice program.  I'm off looking for an earth-like planet to move to.  Hopefully they make an Alu case for my Pandora there ;) :lol:
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Yes, for now, it's not compatible with SGX version > 4.03. I'm working on it (with the build 02) but it's not trivial and will take time.
Too bad my Pandora is gone, having this on a hiking or camping trip without the struggle of booting up a laptop would be amazing. Thanks to ptitSeb and congrat to 200+ applications on the repo!
Nice, I've waiting for this quite long!

Thank you very much!