Hi kids
I just found out about this seemingly magical device about 4 hours ago and I'm really interested in its emulation capabilities.
specifically its SNES capabilities.
I will go out and buy this thing next week if someone can answer my questions (and the answers are what I want to hear
1. Can (or will) SNES games be able to play at full speed with sound? I'm unable to really determine that through my research, I keep getting little hints that SNES emulation is not full speed ATM. Can anyone make any predictions as to the future of SNES emus on this system? Will I finally be able to take Chrono Trigger with my everywhere I go? PLEASE SAY YES!
2. Are the buttons in the SNES emus remappable? that is, I notice this system only has 6 buttons and if I remember correctly the SNES had 8; I know most games didnt use 8 so it would be nice to be able to remap buttons (say you dont need start and select but you need an X and a Y or something to that nature). how do the emus handle this situation?
3. How is the battery life on this sucker? my GBA (which I regret buying) runs for some imesurable amount of time without needing to change the batteries; does the GP32 offer comparable run times? I would purchase the front-light model, and I hear that thing craps out at the 12 hour mark (which is fine with me) but what if the light is off? or is that the number for non-illuminated playtime.
4. Also, I hear a lot about overclocking; and that some systems cannot overclock. This worries me, is there any way to get a system that will for sure overclock? do the frontlight models consistently overclock? whats the do to the battery life? is it harmful to the CPU? is overclocking going to be the only way I can play my precious Chrono Trigger at full speed?
Thanks for your help in advance; sorry for asking a lot of stupid questions but this thing is kind of pricey and I want to make sure its going to do what I want it to do before I blow a wad of cash on it.
Oh one last thing: anyone know of a keyboard you can buy for it? the reason I ask is that I am really looking into buying some kind of handheld computer to write on (I'd rather carry something like that around than paper). A simple word processor and a small keyboard would make this little device PERFECT for taking notes in class or doing some writing on-the-go. anything like that available?
I just found out about this seemingly magical device about 4 hours ago and I'm really interested in its emulation capabilities.
specifically its SNES capabilities.
I will go out and buy this thing next week if someone can answer my questions (and the answers are what I want to hear
1. Can (or will) SNES games be able to play at full speed with sound? I'm unable to really determine that through my research, I keep getting little hints that SNES emulation is not full speed ATM. Can anyone make any predictions as to the future of SNES emus on this system? Will I finally be able to take Chrono Trigger with my everywhere I go? PLEASE SAY YES!
2. Are the buttons in the SNES emus remappable? that is, I notice this system only has 6 buttons and if I remember correctly the SNES had 8; I know most games didnt use 8 so it would be nice to be able to remap buttons (say you dont need start and select but you need an X and a Y or something to that nature). how do the emus handle this situation?
3. How is the battery life on this sucker? my GBA (which I regret buying) runs for some imesurable amount of time without needing to change the batteries; does the GP32 offer comparable run times? I would purchase the front-light model, and I hear that thing craps out at the 12 hour mark (which is fine with me) but what if the light is off? or is that the number for non-illuminated playtime.
4. Also, I hear a lot about overclocking; and that some systems cannot overclock. This worries me, is there any way to get a system that will for sure overclock? do the frontlight models consistently overclock? whats the do to the battery life? is it harmful to the CPU? is overclocking going to be the only way I can play my precious Chrono Trigger at full speed?
Thanks for your help in advance; sorry for asking a lot of stupid questions but this thing is kind of pricey and I want to make sure its going to do what I want it to do before I blow a wad of cash on it.
Oh one last thing: anyone know of a keyboard you can buy for it? the reason I ask is that I am really looking into buying some kind of handheld computer to write on (I'd rather carry something like that around than paper). A simple word processor and a small keyboard would make this little device PERFECT for taking notes in class or doing some writing on-the-go. anything like that available?