can someone answer 2 of my questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Can someone please help me with 2 questions. 1st question is how come when i use wind-ups and try to put an emulator as a new icon it keeps posting up like multifirmware and it gives a crapload of serial numbers? 2nd question is how do you use all 6 buttons for snes because i watned to play chrono trigger. plz help thx.
That posting is equivalent to the gp32 rebooting or freezing for the normal FW. I don't know why that it is happening, you might have to give me more detail (i.e., what emu, what icon are using for the emu, etc.).

For the second question, what emulator are you running? For Snes9xGP, go to set controls in the menu, choose 6 button, set buttons for all of the buttons except for two (I recommend those two L and R), then it will ask for the configurations again, but this time for configuration 2 (set gp32 l and r to snes l and r). Now, when you are playing, press select in the rom and you will notice the number in the upper left change to a 2, thus meaning configuration 2 is set, which means l and r will trigger snes l and r, after you are done with l and r, press select again to go back to config 1.

For OpenSNES9x, just go to the controller config and you will see config 0, 1, and 2. Just set configurations for 0 and 1, and when in the rom, use the same instructations mentioned earlier.
Can someone please help me with 2 questions. 1st question is how come when i use wind-ups and try to put an emulator as a new icon it keeps posting up like multifirmware and it gives a crapload of serial numbers? 2nd question is how do you use all 6 buttons for snes because i watned to play chrono trigger. plz help thx.
I do not know what may be the problem, did you:

Bring up menu *hit b on desktop*
New Icon
Icon:an image

and crash? if so i'd say re-install MultiFirmware 2,if that didn't work, then:
copy the SMC and format it, then try it out...

still a problem, then i do not know
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