Starving For Pandora!

Anyone ever found out how that thing went, were craig took that prototype to germany? Anyways I really wish I could get more psx emulator videos ( running on the pandora) to watch to make the pain of not having a Pandora go away. :(

I've been killing time by being disappointed at the new GL specification, working on Medusa, Joker and Razors. The first project is for the Pandora, the second is for the Xbox 360 (via XNA) and the third is a Win32 program programmed in C++ with the Direct3D, Ogg Vorbis and XInput APIs.
i've been running my Tamiya RCs, brushing up on my stagnant Linux skills, and setting up a file server which i will store the Pandora's files on. oh and working to pay for this thing! :p

also dusted off my GP2X to get used to mobile gaming again. i shelved mine after only a few months of light usage, couldn't get used to the fake analog stick. dealing with that again will make the Pandora experience that much sweeter. :lol:
I bought a PSP and modded it, got bored quickly, it is now lent out.

To keep myself occupied, I bought the OP's SmartQ T5 II. It should have gotten here today....Maybe tomorrow! :)
icurafu said:
Gothic3 had so much potential. I got to a point that my reputation for the resistance was so great that orcs attacked me on the spot. Which kinda ruins half the story. After that point, the game turns into running into each town and killing everyone.
Gothic3 was an amazing game, it almost won over Oblivion in my opinion. A world where everyone is actually living wins over a game where everyone is walking around aimlessly. This Gothic3 mentioning also sparked a killer thought. Why doesn't the whole community band together to make an amazing open ended RPG for the pandora similar to Oblivion or Gothic3 or Morrowind or Fable... *trails off lost in hopeless dreams* :lol:
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My summer college course has been keeping me plenty busy, and the Fall semester begins in a couple weeks, so I guess I'll have plenty to do until the Pandora is released :)

TaG said:
Supercard DSOne. NES goodness. (Can't persuade PSP to run homebrew :( )
This is great advice. I bought a DS Lite and an R4 a couple months ago and can't believe I've lived so long without such a pairing. There's a lot of great DS games out there, and thanks to the R4 whenever I can find the time I'll always have something to play (currently playing Final Fantasy IV DS).

Spadoof said:
Anyone ever found out how that thing went, were craig took that prototype to germany? Anyways I really wish I could get more psx emulator videos ( running on the pandora) to watch to make the pain of not having a Pandora go away. :(

I was under the impression that Craig was unable to bring a prototype with him due to a shipping delay of some sort (unless that was in reference to something else...)?
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^ I think that's correct. Never mind, we're crossing our fingers for pics of the first complete Pandora tomorrow (UK time) :D
@Azure: How is FF4? Not many reviews by people who are not completely taken with the FF series, I would love an opinion on it.
I've made a papercraft dragonfly from National Geographic kids.
It's now perched ontop of my monitor.

theres a beetle, grasshopper and buterfly left to do, but I might have a bit of diner first, or shall I go to tesco for some batteries for my GP? Sod it, might just watch the teli.
palmertech said:
@Azure: How is FF4? Not many reviews by people who are not completely taken with the FF series, I would love an opinion on it.
Played it on the SNES years back (FF2 US). A little more bland of a story than FF3 (FF6 JA) but still, a damn good game.
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AireTamStorm said:
palmertech said:
@Azure: How is FF4? Not many reviews by people who are not completely taken with the FF series, I would love an opinion on it.
Played it on the SNES years back (FF2 US). A little more bland of a story than FF3 (FF6 JA) but still, a damn good game.

There's a recent NDS re-re-re-release, in 3D.
It's quite impressive, actually. I was a little miffed at first to see they'd done what I hated about all recent 3D FF games: given the spell effects long, drawn out animation sequences. Seriously, summoning Ramuh is cool the first few times around, but you quickly get tired and just want to get on with it.
Fortunately, I discovered that hitting 'A' would skip the animation, and all is well again.
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I also ordered an Acekard2 with a one gig micro sd with usb adapter to install DSLinux on my DS. I have been thinking of taking on modding my DS and try to install a wide screen on the top. I was thinking to buy a psp for parts and take out the screen and use it for the DS top screen.
palmertech said:
@Azure: How is FF4? Not many reviews by people who are not completely taken with the FF series, I would love an opinion on it.
I haven't had too much time to play it, but I'd agree with WizardStan's comments for the most part. I did play the original, so it is interesting playing through the game in a 3D environment. However, I personally felt that the new character designs of the characters looks rather odd/awkward (I understand that they're not trying to go for something realistic, but the characters to me look child-like, bone-y, and lack body/muscle mass). Good voice-acting/script writing is usually hard to find in a game, and, while it's not the worst, I feel it could be better. Gameplay is nothing out of the ordinary for an RPG (I figure if you've decided to pick it up you know what you're getting yourself into). The game is noticeably more difficult than the SNES version, which I see as a welcomed change (though it can be boring having to spend time in long battles as you try to level up your characters just so you can stand a chance against a buffed up boss). All in all, it's decent and worth looking into if you played in the original. If you've never played the original, I'm not sure if it'd be worth buying (of course, I'm using an R4, so...).
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I bought an xbox360... I have no money for a P&|a now. Ah well, at least i can drown my sorrows when fallout 3 comes out.