GP32 Starting


UFO Robot
Feb 25, 2003
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is an easy way download an gnu sdk which works straight from one download because i downloaded Devkit advance and it was faulty and i dont want to download the Arm software because i want legal programs.

Can someone help me and other people that want to start programming on GP32.

I have programmed before and have done some asm before so am not a noob but the installing procedure of all these things is doing my head in and some of the downloads are faulty too.
Is DevKitAdv easy to set up, do i need cygwin for it to work, and does it work for Windows ME?

Is the coding the same for DevKitAdv and for the official compiler? if i made a program with devkitadv would it work in sdt?
get devkitadv + chn's gp32 addition (google for chn and gp32 to find his page). It's based on GCC, and if you code ansi C you should be able to port it easily. GAS is included for arm assembler (you need it!).

A note of warning though: don't get too discouraged by GCC's user unfriendlyness, it's a linux-beard program after all :)

I had no problem getting the gptest.c program to install. Just follow CHN's installation instructions and you should have no problem. Also, it involves using official software, but check out for a tutorial that was just posted.

It is hard to get into, I've found that too. Check out other peoples source code, try compiling it, modifying it and compiling it, looking through the headers and GameParks documents. It'll pick up momentum if you stick to it.. it's always slow at first. (And use the emulator to test most of the time, no sense killing your SMC!)

Good luck!
Thanks a lot, when i get set up ill, might try to make a vector based vertical shooter, similar to one of the toaplan games (i wish i could do that).

We'll ill try anyway, if i do my source will be fully freely availble :D

When I make the game ill ban myself from playing games, except for the compiled game code, till i get hooked on my own game then ill release it.

I think im just too hopefull.
