finty101: rcx doesn't know what it is, I guess. ANSI C is a specification to allow lots of different compilers who previously had conflicting types of C and their own little quirks to work together. Code should theoretically compile on several compilers with identical results (but of course, not neccessarily with identical speed or executable size).
It's a 'brand' of C, and compilers don't have to accept it. Many compilers will deviate somewhat from the standard to allow their own changes or workaround some problems they have. That's why we have to enable -ansi on GCC. It's good practice to use it.
I think what rcx means is that the standard c libraries might not include outputting text to the screen. It does. C, as a language, doesn't do anything special. It needs to include external libraries. stdio contains printf, and iostream for C++ contains the cout and cin stream things that allow output to screen. ANSI is a specification, not a set of libraries, so it has little to do with the problem here.