Starfox 2 a 3 part movement


May 31, 2011
Cyberia (Wels Austria)
So lets start off with the pictures


So thats my living room with something in my SNES and StarFox 2 on screen


So thats what was in my SNES and I though it would be cool to take a photo of it next to the old Nintendo Power article about the game


So I looked at the game closely if you take a close look at the sticker it seems a little different especially this corner it is not as round as the other games and it is hard to see but the sticker is thicker then other games.


This is the connection part, just like any other FX game you need the extra connections


The Pandora, is a little confused about the whole situation.

So now a link to the Wikipedia Article

And finally my thoughts

WTF is this? I recently went to Edmonton (Bonnie Doon Mall) and found a video game store. Things were ridiculously over priced in there. SNES $150can, Breath of fire 3 $80can Virtual boy $200can ect... before i left i looked at the SNES rack and this caught my eye like a moth to a flame. What the hell? I was certain this game never was officially released in the US. Maybe things are different in Canada some how but i would figure the same rules were applied. So i did the only thing I though was resoponcible, curbed my nerd-gasim as best i could and asked the shop keep for a demonstration of the game. He turned it on and it played just like the Rom I have played online before (i'm a time traveler so i actually all ready owned the game when my cousin downloaded the rom image in the past so it's all legal...) It seemed like the rom image so i went ahead and made the purchase. The next few days in Canada with out an SNES were some of the hardest really. So i just got back home fired it up took some pictures and thought i would post this.

So what do you guys think? Is this somehow a official release that Wikipedia doesn't know about, has anyone heard of companies who will flash an SNES game put a fake sticker on it and sell it? is the rough edge of the sticker indication of a forgery somehow or is it what happens in all super limited advanced copies of SNES games? I really have no idea what the history of this cart is what it is worth or how i could possibly authenticate it. I don't mean to get ahead of my self but this could be a really cool discovery or it could be a hoax some how. Well at any rate, I'm never going to dismiss the Super Nintendo rack again anywhere any time you never know what is laying in it.
there is a limit to how many photos per post


The cat thinks it's hers


On the back of the game the warning is in french and English, as is the rules in Canada. So if this is a forgery they did there homework or are making them local.

I really want to get the full story on this.
It could be a reflashed cart... I ended up with a Ridge Racer 64 cart with a fake sticker and the warning on the back had the date way earlier than when RR64 was released.

Also that titlescreen is only on the patched version of the rom so I am very very skeptical that you have found something legit... if it is though... OMG! :)
It could be a reflashed cart... I ended up with a Ridge Racer 64 cart with a fake sticker and the warning on the back had the date way earlier than when RR64 was released.

So i checked my other games just to be sure and they all have the same warning label independent of when they came out, maybe the warning label is the same the whole time. So you might actually have a real ridge racer

Also they are all in English and French, so no bonus on the back label indicating anything special...
N64 carts and she's carts are different anyway, honestly it is a fake. The game was never released or officially translated into English, so U can't have a legitimately released game.
Ok I'm thinking it is a fake cart too now,

I did the only thing I can think of to "authenticate it" So in a previous post i mentioned that I "had" an SFProffessor 2 but for the purposes of Roms and piracy I had it "destroyed" well a cousin of mine let me borrow his for a minute and compared the size of the SF2 rom online 8mega bits to the size of the data that is in my SF2 cartridge, it is also 8 mega bits. So although I'm not going to get a hex editor out and try to compare the files exactly, it is likely that what ever is in my SF2 cartridgeis what is available online as well, all of those tests were made on the dark side of the moon mind you so no copy right infringement was done.

Ok so nothing too exciting in the end, it sure was a heck of a fun experience and certainly got me all worked up for a minute. So now all i have to do is get good enough and finish the game! Seems kind of strange to only put one game on the cartridge, i remember my friends would get 8 bit nes games with like 100 games on them from the east as a kid and in this case seems kind of like a waste of space to only put a single game on but hey what the heck.

If anyone else has any insights please let me know.
Open it up. I'm willing to bet you'll find a flash ROM inside. Might even be rewritable. You may have found yourself a neat little treasure beyond the fake Starfox 2 label.
Starfox 2 was never released anywhere. Not the US, not Japan, not Mars, not anywhere. Crazy, I know; Starfox 2 makes Starfox look like crap simply because it's so awesome. Considering how close to completion it was, it's crazy they chose not to release it. The decision was something like a desire to contrast the SNES with the N64 more, but honestly, that's fucking stupid. Yeah, make the N64 look better than it is by not releasing an awesome game that was already made for the SNES!

But, the fact remains that it was never released, and crazy Nintendo has no plans to ever release it on Virtual Console, so no matter how you get Starfox 2, it's illegal to do so. Stupid Nintendo...
I hope you didn't pay too much for it. It's a reproduction, made using this guide.

It's certainly nice to have, especially if you don't have the ability to make one yourself, but as others have pointed out, Star Fox 2 was cancelled before it was released, and the ROM on the cartridge you've pictured is the near-complete one that was leaked in late 2002, with AGTP's translation and bug-fix patch applied. AGTP's patch is different to the official translation, which was never recovered, and changes the title screen to what's shown in your photographs.

EDIT: Note also that the artwork on the label shows the Arwing design from 2005's Star Fox Assault, for the GameCube. The specific Arwing image used can be found here - click the picture found at the top of that page for the full resolution.

EDIT 2: Also, I can't help but notice that the odd corner on the label seems to be due to it having been cut out by hand. The picture shows that the bottom hasn't been cut quite straight, either, and near to the corner is a spot where the cutter tried to compensate for a slight slip whilst cutting. :P (I'm a seamstress - I know my cutting! And yes, I am more than just a Mega Man nut... :P )
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Wow Prom you just handled that buisness, thank you for explaining exactly what it is I have in my hands. Im not going to say how much i paid for it but lets say it was more then what i could have build one for.

I feel a bit foolish but in the end, i guess im pretty stoked at what I have and probably will open the case on that bad boy see whats under the hood now that I know how to build a replacement if I had to.

Thanks everyone for helping me solve that little mystery, :D

I hope you all appreciated my little Pandora SF2 picture :P
And the one of your cat. :P

Anyway, glad to have provided useful information, there. It's still an awesome find, at any rate, and one I would have loved to have come across myself (because my SNES is an NTSC one, and I don't have the ability to build such a thing), so congratulations on it. :D
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