I played it briefly, but it didn't hold my attention. Perhaps if it hadn't taken Blizzard 10 years to get it out I would have been able to keep my focus on it.
I did want to know how things ended up, but I didn't want to play through it is what it comes down to.
I bought it even though my computer is waaay under spec. I played through quite a few levels and really liked it - but took me a while to get the playability / visual appeal balance right for my computer. I stopped playing because I didn't want to ruin the experience... I'm going to wait until I get a new computer to play through fully. After I stopped playing I watched replay after reply that I downloaded.
I have *ZERO* interest in all form of sport, but I could get totally hooked on StarCraft II if it were televised in my country - or if I could afford to watch vids off the internet.
I *love* StarCraft II. :wub:
EDIT: I'm going to get the collectors edition of HOTS... Zerg is my fave species...
I was pretty into SC1 back in the day, and I really like SC2, but I find its _brutal_. I mean.. in Single Player, the AI is relatively predictabnle, so you can 'game it' (whack the AI, and it'll turn half its army around to go check its base, so you can just whack it every minute or two and keeps its army going back and forth .. duh ) But then you go into multiplayer, and I'm in the very bottom ladder category, and I get _creamed_. Its totally unfun to lose 10 in a row, you know?
So I suck
I want to like it, but getting my ass handed to me is not so fun
I do enjoy watching the husky and HD youtune channels
I finished the campaign on Brutal and played a couple of 2v2s and 3v3s with friends, but that's about it. I'm not very motivated to put a lot of time into developing my ladder skills, so I haven't played it much lately. I'll probably pick it up again once heart of the swarm gets released.
My main SC2 related activity these days is watching the day[9] daily.
I played through the campaign and a few games with my friends. But I have this one friend who practised all the time, so now me and my other friends are no match for him.
That's when I stopped playing, just hate it when you have this one friend that is superior in one spesific game. Like that time we played guitar hero, and suddenly I was a lot better than the rest of my gang. everyone lost interest playing it
The moral is: Don't sit practising in order to beat your friends hard, that's just a deuche move.
I know what you mean, I can have days where I can be on top of my game, and others where I just get annihilated.
I don't know how Blizzard set up matches, but I play 2v2 with a friend, and we're at the top of a Brozen league, and we've played people in Platinum, Diamond, and Masters... Hardly fair
If anybody wants to add me and play some casual games my handle is roflLameDuck or PM me if you need my email address.
StarCraft II 5.0 patch is one of the game's biggest patches! To celebrate the 10th anniversary, we've made a major update to the game, and check out the details here.
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