ST Games Database


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
In working towards showing you game lists instead of just filenames, I'm massaging the data..

Here is a stripped down version of a games listing I'm workgin with:

That is by game; I've massaged it so it is now by group and disk with a list of games on that disk. That databasde is here:

I'll try and merge in CRC32's for these disks, and then we'll have a CRC32 -> games mapping, which should let me build a tool to produce a file for the handheld to show you the goods :)

So getting there :)

OKay, I've merged in the TOSEC CRC32 database, so you can now see this:

An example line is:

AU:97:76bff62d 81622b3c 8c2dc1c1:Dungeon Master; 3D Pool; Oids

Thats automation, disk 97, 3 crcs associated to it, with those 3 games on it.

Sadly, theres about 1000 entries in the database so far, and 450 gfive or take don't have CRCs list :/ Which is to say, most of the Automation disks have entries that work, but most of the others do not, so we'll have to build CRC's for them ourself. (TOSEC isn't super complete, though they nailed many versions of Automation down.. hence 3 CRC32's for Automaiton 97!)

However,m the good part is that this database file might be useful to some other project someday :)

Now I just need to write a tool that can read a .st file, calculate the CRC32, and then look it up in this little textfile to spit out the game listing. It has to be smart enough to unzip .zip files temporarily, since I bet half you bums keep everything .zipped even though theres little gain here ;)

Then again, since Castaway/GP doesn't like .zip's, maybe I can skip that step for now.. just a simple tool to calculate CRCV32's on .st files, and produce a filename to game list map file for Castaway/GP.

Overall.. pretty neat :) Most of the disks I'm fiddling with are Automation right now, so this is a pretty big win for me :)

if you make this tool, jeff, I have all the PP discs in unzipped ST format at home. that means if the tool can do batch CRC calculating, then I'll do all the PP menus and more in one pass!


edit: are you using the latest TOSEC db? all PP discs seem to be checksummed on the web search I did through it?
Some data from TOSEC; the ClearMame format file I found onyl had Automation for the most part. If you can find a .cm type file with more data, bring it on.. that'd save a lot of manual labour!

the tosec db contains a lot of automation disks alright but it does contain the pp disks and a ton of others as well
just go to and click on the cm link for the atari st compilations
the current version contains names and crc's of 5282 disks.

cm is clrmamepro format, rd is romdoctor format (not used much these days) and rc is for romcenter format, the td is for tugid which is tosec's own renaming utility. regardless of what format it's in the info in the db's are the same.