

Oct 15, 2005
I am not trying to be a douche or anything (I know it will be out when it is finished) but when people say spring of 2008. Does that mean anywhere from March 1st -to- June 21st?

I ask this because my startup page is full of countdowns and I would love to add the Pandora to my list of upcoming events.
Well, I might expect something on April 1st. But it could just as easily be a replacement design (for one that's truly vile) as the actual release. I mean, if you've a new product, do you release it on the day everyon expects everything to be a joke? Any news items would just be assumed false...

Maybe a notice to say it's not coming out til 2009 on the 1st April, and a release the next day?
I take "Spring 2008" as being the northern hemisphere's assumption that the whole world is in the same season at the same time. The US are the biggest offenders in this regard, but Europe and the UK are also guilty.
It's a safe assumption, given that the key parties involved are in the Northern hemisphere. But then, I suppose that's why they invented the Qx notation :).
slygamer said:
I take "Spring 2008" as being the northern hemisphere's assumption that the whole world is in the same season at the same time. The US are the biggest offenders in this regard, but Europe and the UK are also guilty.
If it would make you happy, here it goes. the pandora will be released in march or april so it would probably be fall to you. Happy?

and btw, isn't the uk part of europe?
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Since there still isn't a real website and I haven't even received a thing in the mail I really doubt this device will be ready in the spring (northern hemisphere..) I'm expecting summer sometime. Or even autumn..... seriously don't get your hopes up and then be disappointed. No one ever set a real release date that I know of, it was just a goal. And we've seen goals come and go before as far as providing info etc. goes. and besides, we all saw what happened when GPH rushed gp2x. Who wants a repeat of that? :P
magicman5421 said:
and btw, isn't the uk part of europe?
They are, they are just not part of the EU.

(just kidding, but it's very annoying all the paperwork & cie you've to do to go to the UK, where you don't even need an ID to move from and to any other EU states...)
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As far as I can tell, spring was always a goal, though it's been stated over and over again that the dev team won't rush things if they find stuff they need to fix before release, exactly for the reason that they don't want to repeat GPH's mistakes. I think this is for the best, it may mean we won't see the device being sold until some time this summer or later, but on the other hand it may not have flaws that it might have had if rushed out during spring.