The Big Wad Bolf.
Myself I love spoonerisms, and was wondering what your favourites are. I prefer the ones that don't swear but sound rude, here's an example:
I know someone called "Jeremy Perkins", and that spoonerised is "Peremy Jerkins".
So here we go, rules of this thread are:
1. The spoonerised phrase or name must not actually be a swear word.
2. It must sound funny, possibly risky.
I will start off with:
"Ghost Hunter" which when spoonerised becomes "Host Ghunter"
Okay I'm expanding this thread to include names that sound humerous, here's an example:
Bernie Housedown.
Another would be:
Hugh Jaynus.
As usual, keep is respectfully clean
I know someone called "Jeremy Perkins", and that spoonerised is "Peremy Jerkins".
So here we go, rules of this thread are:
1. The spoonerised phrase or name must not actually be a swear word.
2. It must sound funny, possibly risky.
I will start off with:
"Ghost Hunter" which when spoonerised becomes "Host Ghunter"
Okay I'm expanding this thread to include names that sound humerous, here's an example:
Bernie Housedown.
Another would be:
Hugh Jaynus.
As usual, keep is respectfully clean