Spiderman 2 Umd Free 4 Everybody

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Just to let everybody know because theres seems to be some confusion about this. I was bunned out too when I found out Europe were getting spidie for free but did some research and it applies to everybody !! Yes everybody doesnt matter if you brought your psp abroad like me you can sign up at


for your free copy, I imagine the reason for not excluding us is obvious. Potentially sony are trying to get us to sign up more then anyone because we get the demo disk which includes the 2.00 firmware bios patch/upgrade. I never got demo disk wit my jap psp which I though was odd but now I will. Question is will I use it, nahh dont think so but I take spidie off your hands.

Another interesting point of signing up is you will get exclusive use of the psp official website which includes some download's which have to go straight to mem card (psp or computer it doesnt matter), its all to with your serial I think. Should only be able to download from your account with the serial you provided ( havent tried it yet). You will however have to lie, Your purchase date cant be before sept 1st and your version of psp wont be available but it shouldnt matter.

Just have to wait and hope they send it though, I have looked on the website and I repeat they say in misc or somewhere like that !! IT DOESNT MATTER
Hm, just done this. I too had to lie a little bit about which psp i have, and when I bought it.

But it's just too generous, isn't it? It must force upgrade the psp, or do something...
Nice to finally hear... ummm wrong forum section though.

The Demo disk is supposed to update to 2.0 I dont think the Spidey UMD does it.
To clear any doubt I give you the correct path when your on the homepage of the website, go to help/advise in the top left hand corner. Now goto YOUR PSP - overview. PAGE 3 at the top will state What if I brought my psp abroad ?? Have a read. I too thought they were being over generous but it kind of makes sense wit the potential of previous firmware versions they released causeing all kind of problems for sony. I dont think you will be forced into upgradeing as the upgrade is on a seperate disk to spidie !! Its in your hands for now, we will be forced soon perhaps with grand turismo + gta being released !! Have to wait and see. Me personally will never upgrade and go as far as buying another in white if I had too !!
Thanks for the heads-up, I've ordered mine. Don't know if it will work though, being as the serial number and model won't match up (I've a PSP-1000 and the only options were 1003 & 1004). Still nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I keep banging on about yoshi's trick to cheat the psp into thinking it's upgraded but hasn't!

You don't have to upgrade!!!!!!!!

Check the thread about buying a psp today for the link!!!!
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:30 PM said:
I keep banging on about yoshi's trick to cheat the psp into thinking it's upgraded but hasn't!

You don't have to upgrade!!!!!!!!

Check the thread about buying a psp today for the link!!!!

I upgraded ages ago because I couldn't be bothered with the homebrew stuff (that's what the GP32's for), and the web browser's very useful at work.
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but what about da games, oh the games, my collection tops at 30 + growing by da day!! I know not everybody approves of the method to getting them but look at the cost. Steve o spent £1320 pound and now wants to sell. He be lucky top get half that back !!
royston79 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 06:03 PM said:
Just to let everybody know because theres seems to be some confusion about this. I was bunned out too when I found out Europe were getting spidie for free but did some research and it applies to everybody !! Yes everybody doesnt matter if you brought your psp abroad like me you can sign up at
No. It´s only For PSPs model 1003 and 1004 (last part of serial number). I have ordered my PSP from canada and its a 1001 one, so no registration for me.

EDIT: Ah, but you can create an account on www.playstation.com and use it to register there...
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your wrong fishbong, read the whole forum and follow the link I gave you earlier, as it says you can sign up if you brought abroad, the only way to do it is to lie !!
I cant guarantee I will receive my cpy of spidie but I think I will, I ran a test earlier and inputted a incorrect serial. Guess what it didnt go through but my real one did !! Just wait and see I give it a month + I have just downloaded something from that site to my psp. I dont think 1003 or 1004 means much just the firmware it rolled out with. 1003 meaning 1.51 and 1004 meaning 1.52 which is correct for people who brought in europe to avoid confusion
+ what are you on about 1001 last part of the serial, my serial hasnt even got those numbers in it, you may find you have that on the end of your serial because that is your serial and is coincidently the same as your version number. I would sign up what have you got to lose !! A copy of spidie you didnt already own
When i wrote that i already tried it, so dont give me advice if you dont know my situation. But now it works via my www.playstation.com account, so you can be happy again.
Well, most UMD Movies are region locked, so you'll get the movie but most probably can't play it ;)
royston79 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:06 PM said:
but what about da games, oh the games, my collection tops at 30 + growing by da day!! I know not everybody approves of the method to getting them but look at the cost. Steve o spent £1320 pound and now wants to sell. He be lucky top get half that back !!
Oh man you guys I have the full SNES romset, all you other SUCKERS had to pay £453,240 for it!!!!!!1 I'm the king of the pirates!

Lots of people pirate games on their PSP but they don't go around bragging about their 'massive' 30-game collection and tell everyone else to do the same. You stupid fuck, if everyone pirated these games there would BE no games, because piracy quickly ruins a console. It's happening with PC games and it's also the reason the Gamecube is still surviving. Your overpriced PSP would become a piece of worthless garbage only suitable for watching the UMD of Spiderman 2.

All your bragging is irrelevant when you realise in a few years time people could be emulating your PSP on the GPX2 and saving themselves the cost of the games AND the console. Or did you lift it off the back of a lorry, you empty-pocketed freeloading candy stealer?
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Stupid fuck ??? calm down little boy !!

Piracy is a problem but only in certain regions, in are country pirateing actually doesnt appear to damage the market so badly as the corporations would like you to think as not so many people are doing it, know how to do it, or even care. Asia, China etc have a bad piracy problem which is very hard to tackle. Its not that I agree with piracy but its not as if I agree with haveing a £1000 + collection of original games. I buy original games I like alot and will be buying gta and gran turismo simply because I dont want them takeing up space on my mem card (they will be to big and they are worth the money)

Im not really bragging but in a previous forum I just came out of about selling a psp which Ive added comments. I was shocked at a statement of somebody selling a 26 original games not steveo as originally put but jebus. Well it turned out they were not so original as first thought.

Also downloading roms for ag fucking megadrive is just as illegal as for psp. Fucking Idiot + hypocryt

Why is it people like you take shots at each other, I expected more from a extreme team leader, I think Ive seen your name about before and you insult almost every body you come across but it seems that your nothing but a shallow kiddie fiddling micheal jackson wannabee

Ohh yes your really BAD :lol:

I have more money than you, that is pretty much guranteed but I didnt get it by paying chumps like you. besides wouldnt want to give you money, not for the kind of services you offer. You should be ashamed talking about lollypops and kids that way.
1. @Rico: Please ban him.

2. Oh, and piracy is never a legit option, no matter what. Its a crime.

3. If you´re so rich, then why are you talking about the financial merits of piracy?

4. Check your grammar.
royston79 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:06 PM said:
but what about da games, oh the games, my collection tops at 30 + growing by da day!! I know not everybody approves of the method to getting them but look at the cost. Steve o spent £1320 pound and now wants to sell. He be lucky top get half that back !!

Hey, don't worry. I'll keep buying the games, to support the industry, and you can just go on pirating them, okay?

No it's not okay!!! You are a stupid, shortsighted terrible person! The difference between downloading megadrive games and psp games is too obvious to comment on, but you did? You have more money than Rico? Well done. No really, how clever you are!!!

To come here and brag, you really are bad!

I would ban him, he is scum. Sorry, but piracy of the psp is very very bad. I want this console to succeed, and if we all follow your lead it won't. Why should I buy games for you to pirate?


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look you can ban if you like, doesnt matter !!! but if someone is going to take shots at me they better be prepared to take them back !!! Especially if it refers to name calling. I dont check my grammer fishbong this isnt a 400 page assignment,
my financial situation is no concern to you or anybody else. I agree piracy is piracy as stated earlier with the megadrive situation. I will be first on record to say I will refuse to pay £40 for what should be a budget release which if you look at many of the psp games should be.

I own 5 original games which are all the best releases to date includeing mgs acid, ridge racer, ape academy etc. Sony are getting alot of money from me fishbong,
just dont want to give them money frankley they havent earned in my eyes

Also i beleive your just backing rico because i hurt your feelings earlier by telling you your wrong !! Well you were wrong !! :lol:
spidie umd for free, l
lubidog if I throw you a bone, I dont want to know if it tastes good or not.
I didnt even read half your post seem to be already going over the same points yawwn !!

Your free to your opinion, so am I
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