Spacehulk2x Beta Demo


Feb 28, 2007

i want to introduce you to a long term project. Its a realtime tactics game; unfortunately incomplete as time goes by and unforseen problems delay everything. Its not as complete as i always wanted the first public demo.

The game is compatible with f100 and f200 and will be available on wiz too.

Some details:

F200 users see a calibration screen at start... just touch for a second on every dot.


1 = Goal of game (in this case, flame the upper right area)
2 = Minimap (with f200 you are able to scroll there)
3 = Pause/Start Toggle (This is a button, click it with f200 or use Y on f100)
4 = own units with weaponry (HF = Heavy Flamer; SB = Stormbolter; PS = Powersword; PF = Powerfist)

Maybe you see how incomplete everything is :-(

Command menu

With this popup you can give orders to your troops (F200: press stick for half a second; f100: press y and let key pressed and choose order with stick.. )

Top line: (from left to right)
- cover direction
- move
- move without attacking any targets

Middle line: (from left to right)
- Attack target (usefull for flamethrower)
- open/close door (useless in demo)

Lower line: (from left to right)
- Abort current order

Key bindings:

SELECT = Quit game

Feel free to play and let me know if you liked it. If at least some people would like it to be finished; i will continue. Of course i could need some support... check lua scripts; graphic files and so on... if you feel able to contribute; i would be very happy.
I've played it for a while; couldn't get the hang of it yet. I'm not used to RTS anymore I suppose :P. The user interface is difficult for me. While selecting units, you can't select them all (probably by design?). Also, unit selection doesn't "wrap around" (so when you press R, it stops at a certain unit). I'll give some more play time later on. Units can't fire past each other, is that right? Is this because it is based on a boardgame?

For now, I'd just like to say: good effort! For "just" a demo, it's quite nice! It's not easy to make these games :). In what language did you program this?
Sebastian said:
I've played it for a while; couldn't get the hang of it yet. I'm not used to RTS anymore I suppose :P. The user interface is difficult for me. While selecting units, you can't select them all (probably by design?). Also, unit selection doesn't "wrap around" (so when you press R, it stops at a certain unit). I'll give some more play time later on. Units can't fire past each other, is that right? Is this because it is based on a boardgame?

For now, I'd just like to say: good effort! For "just" a demo, it's quite nice! It's not easy to make these games :). In what language did you program this?
Hi, tanks for your response! What device do you use? F100 or F200?

Yes, multiple selection of units is disabled by design. I don't see a reason for it since almost every 'terminator' can serve a special purpose instead of bulk commanding every unit to attack. The core gameplay element is to bring your units in an effective position, so they are not blocking each other. It's almost essential to bring the seargent (the one with the power sword) to front because he is better at close combat. Normally you're able to deploy your units, too - has been disabled in this demo. The Freeze-Button (Y on F100) is essential too for commanding units, of course pause drains your freezetime and resumes in normal gameplay.

"Wrap-around" unit selection needs to be fixed; i've not played with keys long enough so i'm very happy for your ideas.

And yes; units can't fire past each other - because of board game rules.

Can you further describe what parts of the UI are difficult and what needs to be fixed? (e.g. i've heard that on F100, the 'red square'-pointer should move to the active terminator after you switched by L/R Keys)

The whole game is written in C++ with some LUA Scripts for minor gamplay rules.
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I don't currently have the hardware to try this out but what a nice project idea. I used to love the board game.