Sound Error When Converting To Gp32 Format


FI5H Agent
Nov 22, 2004
University of Bradford
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I'm trying to convert files to the GPcinema format using the VirtualDub conversion file supplied by GP32 Theatre, but I keep getting an error saying that it's impossible to convert to the sound format. What codec am I missing, and can I just get around it by selecting a similar setting from the codecs I have?
In VD, Do everything you normally do to convert the file. But in addition before you save the file, Go to the audio menu and select convertion. On the lefthand side of the window that appears, Select the same frequency that you did in the audio compression menu item.

That should do it.

yes. resize to 320*240
Change framerate to 17fps or something higher if you want.
Set the compression settings. now to the audio

select full processing
celect conversion. Select 44 what ever it is. and high quality.
then the compression.
Then save.
You need to select this item in the audio menu.


Which in turn will bring up this window (the conversion window i was talking about). Select the sample rate on the left hand side to the same rate that was chosen in compression.


sam fisher posted on Mar 23 2005 at 05:50 PM said:
send to me.

use ftp

and put the un converted movie in the gp32 folder. I will convert it for you. I will only post the ftp details if it is leagl. Is it legal?

I'm not actually interested in converting the file, moreso in actually getting the hang of converting the files so that I can start both converting PD movies (and offering them to GP Theatre; I have to do something for the community sometime :P) and possibly to convert the music videos my media class made and upload them to my own server. The file that I'm trying to convert is meaningless; It's just what I'm using to try and teach myself to get it right.

trooper posted on Mar 23 2005 at 06:18 PM said:
What codec`s did you install and what version ?.


Hmmm.. that's a point. I don't think I've ever actually installed a codec that wasn't in a codec pack....
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markusdragon posted on Mar 24 2005 at 12:04 AM said:
*smacks self on head repeatedly*

So yeah. Conclusion: Idiocy breeds faliure. Sorry to have caused this frustrating and annoying topic.... oh, and thanks so much for the help.

What happened?, Did it work ?. What did you do?.

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I've been using the most up to date version of the Xvid codec rather than the version that actually works with GP Cinema. No wonder it wasn't working, even when in lower quality than the files on GPtheatre!

Pah. I'm tired, i've been doing coursework constantly since last thursday, i'm mentally drained. No wonder I made such a novice error. :P