Sound disabled??


Still Fresh
Aug 28, 2012
Runnemede, NJ, USA
If I allow the Pandora to idle to sleep (screen goes black on it's own) when it wakes up by any button press the sound icon in Xfce is grayed out with a blue wave over it and the Pandora has no audio from the speakers or headphone jack. I can't even figure out how to get it back on aside from a reboot let alone how to stop it from happening in the first place. Any help would be apprecieated.

Thanks in advance.
Never heared of this, but are you on the latest hotfix 1.51?
What hotfix are you using? did you accidentally adjust the alsa/sound setting perhaps.there is an icon on the taskbar for this.
I have a new platinum rebirth that's 2-days old. it shipped with 1.51 on it.

I have used the tray icon to try and enable the sound to no avail but had not previously touched it. I ran the playstation emulator and had sound. Force quit that app because it crashed and then haven't had sound since (red x). Prior to that it just went dead if it idled to sleep and a reboot would fix it.

Any idea how to enable/reboot the service maybe or alter the config? clicking the tray icon just gives me a master slider (on max) and the mute and link channels button. Alsa mixer is the only sound card choice.

Reflashing the firmware could be worth a try.
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I have a new platinum rebirth that's 2-days old. it shipped with 1.51 on it.

I have used the tray icon to try and enable the sound to no avail but had not previously touched it. I ran the playstation emulator and had sound. Force quit that app because it crashed and then haven't had sound since (red x). Prior to that it just went dead if it idled to sleep and a reboot would fix it.

Any idea how to enable/reboot the service maybe or alter the config? clicking the tray icon just gives me a master slider (on max) and the mute and link channels button. Alsa mixer is the only sound card choice.


You might want to double check that - if you have a non 1Ghz unit, then it was probably produced several weeks ago before 1.51 was even released. Unless someone intervened right before shipping, you probably have 1.5.0.
double checked. it says 1.51 Super Zaxxon when booting in lower right. I reflashed it anyway (alot of the flashing steps skipped because they were "already done") and the issues are gone.

How can i tell if I have a 1GHz unit? It shipped from Ithic only a few days ago and was labled as platinum rebirth edition.

then you don't have a 1ghz unit, as linknever sold them. It is a 600mhz 512mb ram rebirth edition.