

May 10, 2003
Just got inspired by the last C-Dogs post.. Sopwith was a cool CGA biplane fighting game on PC. The source is out there under GPL from the original author, though it includes alot of ASM so might be difficult to port.

See the following links:

There is also an unofficial and semi-function port / adaptation to the SDL library:


1. If you port this, be prepared to form a pantheon since I will likely worship you.
2. Of course, porting this would become a moot point if someone was to create an x86 emu. (hint) (hint) :)
Yeah, I suggested this to someone a few days ago, who said he might take a look. Only problem with it is the 25 or so kb of ASM. Thankfully, a lot of that would have to be re-written or chucked anyway (keyboard bindings and gfx stuff) but still not something to encouage porters.

That said, it is vlearly one of the best non adventure games of all time, and anyone who brings the port over deserves large-scale worship by some aboriginals in New Zealand who've been looking for a new Spirit Guide :)
The source has been sitting on my HD for a few days now, but now I have my GP32, I can finally take a look at it :)
I'll take a good look this evening (off to see the Matrix Reloaded in a sec :P), and see if I can get my head around the ASM, and start re-writing some of it.
I'm not promising anything though ;)
Actually, I could be wrong, but looking at the makefile, there looks like there is two versions, a pure ASM one, and a pure C one.... could be helpful :)

EDIT: I think I'm wrong ;)

EDIT: I just found another version of the Sopwith source, that is all in one file, with only 5k of ASM, which looks a lot more promising to port. I'll take a look at this, and give more info later :)
Extreme rockyness :) - this is one of those games I'd really love to see on a GP32 (perfect for car journeys methinks). If you can manage it, it'll be one of those things that exists on all my SMCs and never gets deleted.

Along with an x86 emu, of course, but that's going to be a bit longer in the making, I'd have thought.
x86 is the PC you're probably using the net on now...

It's CPU is in the family of chips called x86 which go back about 17 years to the decrepit 8086 (that could do sweet fa) then through 186, 286, 386 (what I'd hope to be able to emulate in the fullness of time), 486, Pentium, Pentium-2, 3, 4.

Of course, there's a few others - AMD's CPUs are x86 too, and I've got a feeling there was another manufacturer too who went belly up. But that's basically what we mean when we say x86.
thomson and Cyrix also released CPU around the 486 586 and 686 (or pentium 1) eras

Cyrix were the ones I was thinking of... always got them confused with AMD lol. Never heard of Thomson - which ones did they make? I take it their chips weren't entirely compatible with intel ones on account of their not being around today...
Sopwith rocked ! Bring it on , fond memory's of playing this on my 8088 Sanyon Clone, 8088 and 8086's where the bollox, Space Quest 3 played on a 8088 with 640k Ram and Single 5.25" Floopy, need I say anymore....................