Sonic Robo Blast 2 For The Gp2x

Classic Team

Jun 22, 2007
Oregon, US
I was searching the SRB2 server when I ran across A few GPE files. if anyone wants to try them out, go ahead. But it may require some overclocking:
- Appears to be a version of SRB2... in Debug. Could be some fun. :D
- SRB2 Debug with Open2x. Difforence? I don't really know...
-The actual download. This one's without Open2x....
-...and this one DOES have open2x...

So go ahead and experament with these files, it may end up intoresting. If anyone can send some screens in that would be nice too.

-Thanks, Classic Team (Mygames19)
Classic Team said:
If anyone can send some screens in that would be nice too.
Uh, I found this inside that server...


It's 320x200, so it could be a screenshot.
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I suppose you may need the original game, I cant tell. But just so you know now this is a bata version and there still working on it. But theres not too much they can do. Even if they fix everything the game wont run as fast as the original. (this is because SRB2 requires 300MHz to run at normal speed (or at least close to) so it would require some overclocking to run near normal.) But once this is done it should occupy quite a bit of time so people can find the emblems, eggs, and collect all the chaos emeralds, not to mention unlock all the bonus stages (and trust me, there are more bonus stages than normal levels... :D).

...and heres the SRB2 website:

And lastly... SRB2 stands for Sonic Robo Blast 2. Its made off a Doom engine and has been in creation since 1998. Some consider this as the first 3D sonic fangame. Its not expected to become a full game untill its finished release sometime around 2010 - 2012 (according to what I know...)

You can find the full story on there history page.
Classic Team said:
(this is because SRB2 requires 300MHz to run at normal speed (or at least close to) so it would require some overclocking to run near normal.)
Last time I checked the Doom port for the GP2X runs just fine at 133mhz... So, I really couldn't imagine that a Doom variant would require a tremendous increase in clock speed.
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As far as I can remember, SRB2 was based upon Doom Legacy, a not-so-willing-to-run-on-slower-machines Doom variant...

..unlike prBoom, which is ported over to the GP2x and runs nicely.
Megagun said:
As far as I can remember, SRB2 was based upon Doom Legacy, a not-so-willing-to-run-on-slower-machines Doom variant...

..unlike prBoom, which is ported over to the GP2x and runs nicely.
Oh, OK, thanks for the information. Perhaps, it would be better to use prBoom for this, instead of Legacy? Oh well, I doubt the'd want to invest a lot of time into re-doing everything that they've done so far, just to add one more machine to their list...
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Doom runs on the gp2x at 133mhz nicely? i run it (no clock setting so probably 200mhz) and it's still quite choppy (no quite 30fps, really, at 240mhz it's REALLY smooth, like PC).....which is a shame, coz it kills battery and i end up playing like 1 hour and half

if your doom is setup in a way that makes it as smooth as PC at 133mhz (!!!) please, explain to us.
CaDu said:
Doom runs on the gp2x at 133mhz nicely? i run it (no clock setting so probably 200mhz) and it's still quite choppy (no quite 30fps, really, at 240mhz it's REALLY smooth, like PC).....which is a shame, coz it kills battery and i end up playing like 1 hour and half

if your doom is setup in a way that makes it as smooth as PC at 133mhz (!!!) please, explain to us.
The GP32 call pull that off aswell ;)
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These binaries are hosted off a web server on my brother's PC over our cable modem, they are daily/hourly builds of svn:// . We do not test the builds ourselves, but by people in our IRC room that do have a GP2X. They can be broken at any time, and if too many people keep linking and downloading them, talking up our upload, we will have to move them again.
The downloads are down :(

I tried porting it myself but got out of memory errors. That doesn't mean I won't try to make it work better though.