Somewhat Unhappy With The Gp2X- Where's All The Software?


Still Fresh
Oct 21, 2007
This is kind of a whiny post but I'm sort of disappointed with how my experience with the GP2X has turned out.

I bought a GP2X when the F-200 first came out. I was excited about the potential, but honestly I really haven't gotten much use out of it. Out of the box it doesn't play flac or ogg speex files that I have most of my media files saved as. I haven't gotten any emulators on it, and I haven't gotten the SDK up and running to program (simple but practical) applications of my own.

Are there any easy to install Linux distros with precompiled applications made for the GP2X? Can I use a virtual machine to simulate the GP2X hardware? Can I use Eclipse or another SDK under Linux to write programs for it, or compile something like the Flac player for the device? Can the GP2X run shell scripts?

The answers to these questions may seem obvious to you guys but I haven't been keeping up w/ the GP2X community.
To be honest, I'm not surprised that you are disappointed with the GP2X - it sounds like you haven't actually tried to do anything with it!

To not even try the emulators is surprising, but there are a wealth of other free and legal apps and games available for it - many of which are absolutely fantastic. You are merely ignoring its true potential.

Have you checked out the file archive? It hosts pretty much everything available and includes media players (like CraigAmp) that will play your music files.
yeah gotta admit that was a weird OP :)

"I've not been impressed .." -> long list of things didn't actually try

- media file types aren't played -- they're also not advertised as being playable out of the box
- didn't try the main thing that people buy it for (emu and retrogaming)

Still, thats okay; you expected more out of the box than it does, thats okay; we're all here because we're homebrewers and hackers, which means we're all about busting things out and extending (or making a mess of) things. So you're in the right place.

Certainly there is some (but not a tonne) of homerew gaming; theres definately a lot of emu and interp action (ScummVM and so on). Definately it is not hard to get a toolchain going to compile your own code (and alternate firmwares to make things easier to use in this and other regards.. see open2x project, for instance.)

The device will not hold your hand as much as a Sony or Apple device, but the potential is also moreso in some regards than those devices.

Logomachist said:
This is kind of a whiny post but I'm sort of disappointed with how my experience with the GP2X has turned out.

I bought a GP2X when the F-200 first came out. I was excited about the potential, but honestly I really haven't gotten much use out of it. Out of the box it doesn't play flac or ogg speex files that I have most of my media files saved as. I haven't gotten any emulators on it, and I haven't gotten the SDK up and running to program (simple but practical) applications of my own.

Are there any easy to install Linux distros with precompiled applications made for the GP2X? Can I use a virtual machine to simulate the GP2X hardware? Can I use Eclipse or another SDK under Linux to write programs for it, or compile something like the Flac player for the device? Can the GP2X run shell scripts?

The answers to these questions may seem obvious to you guys but I haven't been keeping up w/ the GP2X community.

sell it to me then :P
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The OP should spend more time learning and exploring and less time typing into the interests field of his profile :blink:
The GP2X-F200 was too my very first handheld but I done a lot of research into what it does as well as whats available for it before I bought it. I didn't want to waste my money in buying something that done sweet FA thus doing a bit research first.
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Tag5 said:
The GP2X-F200 was too my very first handheld but I done a lot of research into what it does as well as whats available for it before I bought it. I didn't want to waste my money in buying something that done sweet FA thus doing a bit research first.

To the OP: I am pretty sure there is software available for playing flac and just about every other sound format. I don't know why you complain about the emulators if you haven't tried them. You have to remember, a GP32, GP2X and GP2X wiz are not meant to compete with PSP, GBA, or NDS. It's meant as a media player and a homebrew game/emulation system.

To tag5: What do you mean by "that done sweet FA"? What is an FA?

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Senor Quack said:
The OP should spend more time learning and exploring and less time typing into the interests field of his profile :blink:
Your saying that to someone who has "schizoaffective disorder" as an interest :blink:
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