Senor Quack said:
OK, I tried the demo and it does work using Open2X's compatibility layer, even in TV-out mode. I would like to know how you are blitting the background versus the sprites. I'm guessing you are blitting the menu by using the cursor layer.
It is surprising that it doesn't work under normal Open2X when not using TV-out mode. Are you using SDL at all?
Anyways nice to see another demo on the GP2X! What are you doing for XBOX?
Hi Senor Quack,
In fact, in summer 2006 I got my first GP2X and in dec. 2006 I start working on the low level stuff lonely in the dark (except for some email I exchange with Rleyh regarding his minimal lib) until end of 2007. So, I am using SDL only for audio init. so that mikmod work. For the rest, I command directly the register in memory for the MP2520F and configure the CX25874 via I2C comm.
I am using the YUV layer for the background and the RGB layer for the sprites. The sprites are draw by the hardware blitter and the tiny menu + volume info are render on the cursor layer. The RGB layer is control to be display only between the two graphics by disabling all RGB regions except #4 and transparency on that region is use for shading from black to full opacity.
Regarding the LCD display, I suspect something I'm doing with some register which control the display & the memory output for the LCD. One thing which annoy me when I was looking to the LCD was the 7 pixels on the last line of the display located on the right of the screen which doesn't show up correctly. I first thought, it's maybe something related to my GP2X F100. But, after seeing that problem on 6 units.. I conclude it was universal. I come up with a fix, that in fact create an overscan exceeding the display. I suspect that with the F200 + Open2X DR7, some LCD register are configure in a way that mixed with my configuration create that purple display.
Btw.. (and by saying that, I will reveal the hint that get display on the serial port), I have TV close-caption output capability in this demo! =) If you have a TV that can display Close Caption and post a picture in this forum.. you win something!!
(my first post for more details about it)
In fact, this production was made during a fast demo compo and my purpose was more to get something out and have people try it with their various configuration (TV, LCD, firmware, etc.). I plan to release a fixed version to replace the existing package... but also will be useful for a next release (as we hope to get a decent production for @party 2011
Regarding the Xbox360... hummm, I have done many game prototypes... but for now it's on halt. Like I use to say.. with approx 4 hour per week... things are progressing very slowly. Back in 2008, my goal on gp2x was to create a game for TV-Out, USB gamepad multiplayer and that will look like Ikaruga on Dreamcast (3D background + pre-render 3d sprites). I posted a link to a youtube video of a benchmark I did for that project... ( I think you saw it already (I mean on youtube)...
Best regards,