Sorry if this was posted before but i didn't find nothing on the forum. I bought the tv out cable for my gp2x and i connected it to my tv, some games and emulators like mame, drmd with the tv-out fix and squidgesnes works fine but the gngeo and beat of rage have a bad graphic, flickering lines and confused sprites (almost unplaiables); i tried some neogeo games on Mame and works fine (but i prefere to play it on gnegeo) i tried also different modes, ntsc, pal and i have also change several times to change the clock speed but always the same result, i tried also to run the roms from the gngeo selector and the rage2x but nothing, i tried different roms but the same as i told; i don't know what to do now, please if someone can help me i really appreciate it because i really like to play neogeo games on my tv. I have a multistandard tv (ntsc 60 and pal 50/60) i also have my gp2x connected to its original power supply.....