Someone Want To Port Nethack?


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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See topic title. I love this game, sincerely. I would port it my self if I had the slightest idea how to do it :rolleyes:
The game is a really old, graphically simple DOS RPG. It only uses ASCII characters as graphic, but it is damn funny. The game can be found at and it of course is open source. Does someone think there's a chance it will be done (I suppose it woud be simple, it's a small game)?

Hm. By the way, can someone give me some pointers on how to learn porting/programming for the GP32 (OK, maybe that's the wrong forum for this question....)?
this one looks great and I read that you can add some tiles (32*32) maybe to enhance GFX part...

To port/code first you have to learn C/C++
then good luck

see you :lol:
There is a partial port / rewrite of Rogue. I've got it and its source around somewhere, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
washo posted on Feb 11 2004 at 09:37 PM said:
To port/code first you have to learn C/C++
Thanks, but I knew that much ;)

TheGatesofBill: Partial? Could I convince you to look for it and tell me if it's playable? Time for google, I suppose :D
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I love rogue-like games like nethack. My favorite one so far is ToME (Troubles of Middle Earth), which has much better capabilities than vanilla nethack or angband. See Thangorodrim for a complete list of variants and more info on the general idea.

The difficult part of doing a port of this type of game is the controls. Just about every single key on a standard PC keyboard maps to a specific command, and that doesn't even begin to get into ctrl-key combinations etc. Using some sort of virtual keyboard on the GP32 would be very slow and annoying - it wouldn't even be that great on a system with handwriting recognition where you could use shorthand to do most commands. I don't think that gp32 keyboards are widespread enough to justify porting this type of game (as much as I love them).
Well, of course the controls would have to be modified. Walking with the stick, choosing the most importing commands per A/B (maybe L/R to change action), a Menu for commands used rarely (writing in the dust, for example). Text could be entered via an Arcarde-Like interface (up/Down to choose letter) or *dream* using the egdewrite software I saw in the beta testing forum....
Mosch posted on Feb 11 2004 at 09:50 PM said:
TheGatesofBill: Partial? Could I convince you to look for it and tell me if it's playable? Time for google, I suppose :D
I've found it, and here is the e-mail I got from the author (the game and source was attached):

Edorul posted on Sep 25 11:08 AM said:

I really don't know if I will finish my GPRogue : I would like to, but I
don't have enough time.

I send you a copy of it, but it's not playable because :
- it's the very beginning, so you only can travel in rooms and kill only one
type of monster (they won't follow you)
- when compiled with GCC they are some odd bugs : some blocks are not where
expected (but when compiled with WinSDK for amateur it's perfect... why ?)


PS : I don't remember interface keys, so look at the code or try every
I checked it in the emulator, and it is indeed not worth playing in its current state. I'll consider looking into and trying to get the author's permission to finish it if there is an interest. (I don't know how much you could expect from me though, I'm not that good, despite what some people seem to think).
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Im not sure about Rogue because ive never tried it and am afraid of ascii graphics. But Im very intrested in a port of NetHack and support whoever is willing to take it on. It would be sweet with custom graphics and all that. The controls could be context sensitive so it wouldnt be too complex for newbs.
The most advanced rogue-like port I know is Moria by gp32rich

I have beginned to work on a Nethack port many month ago, but I'm too much lazy.
A korean have worked on a complete rewrite long time before. But this haven't gone really far, for what I know ("gphack" in google cache).
For me, porting was harder than expected, lots of system issues... There is a hell of #define for supporting many plateforms in one source tree...
It was my 1st try on porting something for gp32, so I've started it again about 3 times because I wasn't doing it the most efficient way. Finally I've became quite bored...

But I've come back to gp32 coding since a few days, working on a more little project (a kind of calculator).
After that, I'll mabye do a Fargoal port (
This is a simple real-time pre-rogue-like game.
But there is some C64 emulator around so it's quite pointless.
Anyway, I need to do some more little projects before returning on nethack port.
Enslaved posted on Feb 12 2004 at 02:24 AM said:
Im not sure about Rogue because ive never tried it and am afraid of ascii graphics.
This version I have doesn't use ASCII graphics.
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Sometimes wrappers are written over vanilla Nethack to give them graphics, extra weapons or items, or whatever. I use Slash'Em (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) which is a pretty active variant and probably the best looking at the moment.
That looks sweet!

Going to have download that when i get back from work..

Just got back into playing nethack on my Ipaq, the only thing worth playing on it :P Actually plays rather well on it with a stylus and on screen keyboard.
Last time i played a rogue like game was 10 years ago on my amiga forgot how addictive it is :D

OT : what the best version of nethack and its variants has anyone played forfor Pocket windows currently playing nethack with ansi tile pack.
I figured I'd post some screenshots. As you can see, it isn't ASCII (or ANSI).


The original tileset was good enough IMHO. Maybe you don't wanna use it because of copyright or something like that ?
In fact I don't really care about gfx, as long as you can understand what's hapening.
That's why ASCII is sometimes better than gfx, especially in complex roguelike and for low resolution display. Else you can confuse an humanoid sprite with another one.

Good courage for your work on GPRogue. As it was never released I don't know why it was discontinued.