Someone Know If The F-200 ( B) Is Brighter Than F-200 + Others Questio


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i will buy a gp2x again. now that i have my gp32 blu. my first gp2x dont work anymore.

so i read a lot of things.

i have 2 questions:

1. Someone know if the F-200 ( B ) is brighter than F-200 ( can you post screenshot)

2. i never found my gp2x enough bright. but i need to know if i had a mk1 or mk2. the joystick look like a circle and in it another smaller circle. you can insert your finger in the joystick cap. so it was a mk2 ? right ? the only thing i know is the mk1 was less brighter than f-200 and had a different joystick. so i tried to describe you my joystick. the best i can lol

( i already know that gp2x F-100 mk2 has the same lcd screen than F-200 . and f-200 ( B ) has a different lcd screen )

if the F-200 ( B ) is brighter than f200 i will shop for a ( B ) instead. it would be nice to have screenshot comparison between f200 ( B ) and f200. but i dont think someone has the 2 editions.

thanks for answer.
I can't compare two variations of the same system, but I can compare an F100 (Black) to F200 (white)


Not sure if this helps at all, but it shows that the differences between the two systems' screens are minimal.
thanks for screenshot. i really appreciated it :) now im sure these two gp2x have the same quality lcd screen. the gp2x i will buy will be for my birthday gift. so i want to buy the better version possible. For me Brightness and contrast its very important.

so now, Someone has a f-200 ( B ) and a f-100 mk2 comparison screenshot ????


f-200 ( B ) vs F-200 screenshot

Any one will do the same thing.

Hey i just think about it ??

Is your gp2x F-200 a ( B ) edition ? just look at the back of the unit. if you see a B letter, this is a B edition. thanks for answer.
thanks a lot.

So the F-100 mk2 and any f-200 have the same lcd screen. or at least very similar. maybe its the first time we have a proof. because i already seen in the past a few picture of F-200 ( the not B ) vs F-100 mk2. they look the same.
The bigger difference is the d-pad and touchscreen. The circle on the original is the cap of a digital joystick. In my opinion, in 90% of games it's not as good as the 4 arrow buttons the F200 has. For arcade-style fighting games, it might be preferable. But for pretty much every other kind of game it's a (slight) nuisance. Also the original does not have a touch screen, which is nice for the homebrew that uses it as well as ScummVM and I can't remember what else.

My F200's screen is maybe a hair brighter, however I have a mk1 GP2X, there are mk2s out there as well. So the mk2 and the F200 might be the same, I dunno. My advice is to go with the F200.
I'd say the same as rokdcasbah - go for the F200. Not only is the D-Pad more comfortable, you also get the benefitof the touchscreen for certain games and apps.

Also the original does not have a touch screen, which is nice for the homebrew that uses it as well as ScummVM and I can't remember what else.

B'lox! of course!
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i understand. But i hesitate because i will change the pad with a gba or gamecube d-pad. im not sure it will be easy with a F-200. And i already have the wiz. so i think most touchscreen games of the f-200 are already released on thw wiz. so i dont miss anything important. isnt?
The F100 MK2 and F200(A) have the same screen.
The F200(B) screen is a bit brighter than the F200(A), barely noticable, but a bit :)
finally i bought a gp2x f-100 but MK1. i bought it because i thought it was a mk2. so if i understand, the gp2x F-100 mk1 and gp2x F-200
if you compare them the screen brightness difference is very little right ?
thanks for answer.
unfortunately i cant live with that scanline issue of f-100 mk1.
i dont know what to do.
thanks for answer
The screen (or at least the backlight) is a little brighter on the mk2 F100s and the F200. But the gamma is different too, so overall things actually are darker on the newer ones.

As for the scanline issue, do you mean you have the diagonal lines? Or do you mean like when you move it you can see horizontal artifacts?

Play around with this:,0,0,0,8,1000
Also, depending on what firmware you have there might be a slider to set the screen timing.
There may be no perfect setting but you should be able to get rid of the diagonal lines.

Install gmenu2x, then you will have the option of setting the gamma for individual programs. Plus it's just a better launcher than the built-in one.

IMO if you're waiting for the Pandora and you got a good price on that one and intend to mod a d-pad on then maybe hang on to it. They're all a little different but hopefully on yours there will be a decent timing that gets rid of the lines. The F100s overclock higher too I think.
i tried to tweak the lcd timing , but i always got horizontal artifacts when i move in sonic. its look like the ring and tree are separate in piece in a scanline look. hard to explain

at -3 lcd timing , less scanline but screen too bright

maybe i will try open2x, i have 4.0.1 firmware.

note: i will buy the F-300 when they are release. gamepark holding said me they release f-300 in october. i dont know if i can trust them lol
i really want a better lcd screen and brighter. after that i will buy a pandora 2nd batch ;)

If the F-200 is not really brighter i really prefer to wait for F-300.
nothing cant beat the wiz brightness and color quality, but f-300 will be lcd
renejr902 said:
i tried to tweak the lcd timing , but i always got horizontal artifacts when i move in sonic. its look like the ring and tree are separate in piece in a scanline look. hard to explain

at -3 lcd timing , less scanline but screen too bright

maybe i will try open2x, i have 4.0.1 firmware.

note: i will buy the F-300 when they are release. gamepark holding said me they release f-300 in october. i dont know if i can trust them lol
i really want a better lcd screen and brighter. after that i will buy a pandora 2nd batch ;)

If the F-200 is not really brighter i really prefer to wait for F-300.
nothing cant beat the wiz brightness and color quality, but f-300 will be lcd

I also have a similar problem too, whenever I play games like SOnic and Fido Dido on my F-200 The ugly horizontal scanlines sometimes appears
I don't understand why...
I thought it was a problem with my LCD (as the customs mishandled my package, gp2x poorly and shrewdly repackaged :( )

I think just looking at the back label of the GP2x f-200 won't help 100%
However one hint is look at the label is your unit manufactured in 2007 or 2008?
Is your firmware version 4.1.1? and the batch release date is somewhere around June 2008? if it is then I can almost guarantee that it has a newer LCD built-in (according to EvilDragon its designed by LG Philips? that is little different and brighter from the F-100 MK2 screen) However, touchscreen doesn't seem to work...

About the upcoming and anticipated release of gp2x f-300, it is highly recommended that you wait for the 2nd batch (just my advice as usually 2nd batches have a lot of problems or designs fixed)
unless you are impatient like me :P
Hope this helps ;)
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