Some thoughts about this community


Forum Addict!
Nov 19, 2011
Hello everyone,

my life has had some ups and downs in the last time and I wanted to do that earlier, but here it goes.

Since seeing a Youtube video about a neat little portable emulation machine (Dingoo), buying a Caanoo instead in EDs shop,

buying a used Classic Pandora from a guy in my town on the German boards, having lost my Pandora to UPS for some months after a repair,

getting it back after they found it, upgrading my Pandora, selling my Caanoo, etc... up to the present day, about 2,5 or 3 years have passed.

I am learning something new every single day in this community (have even gone from vegetarian to vegan, partly because of some discussion on the German boards)

and changed my Windows systems to Linux some months ago mostly because of all the stuff I learned here,

additional to that, I have no need for a smartphone or a tablet, which I might would have got now if there would be no Pandy. ;)

Whenever something seems to change my life in any way, I remind myself to think about it

and although I am a strange guy sometimes and may not even be tolerated here forever, I am thankful for everything I got and learned so far.

Hopefully I am able to contribute more to this community in the future besides occasional donations.

Keep up the good work guys, be nice to each other and big thanks to ED for holding this project together and even sailing into new waters with it.

Enough sentimental stuff for now. ;)
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Hopefully I am able to contribute more to this community in the future besides occasional donations.
with occasional donations you already contributed way more than me (and many others). we wouldnt wanna miss ya :)

Gesendet von meinem iPhone mit Tapatalk
Klumpy, yer a good lad. You just need to get yer leg over.

Dude! You are the best and I wouldnt want to miss your input and thoughts in this forum.

The Pandora is like life... stuff just doesnt work... well, then... you MAKE it work... with some help.

And welcome to the Linux side. Have you installed the 3d shooter sauerbraten? I like it a lot, but I had to remove it because my disk is getting full.... will have to repartition my disk...

Greetings from Amsterdam.
I still regard myself as one of the weirder community members... but I'm very grateful to have been accepted here and to have gotten to know you all over the years. I tend to go through spells of active involvement and then I almost disappear for a time... but that is the nature of the life I live.

One thing, is I always come back... Even with all the ups and down, and somewhat frequent 'heated debates' - there is a huge amount of mutual respect we all share. I'm proud of this community. I'm proud to be a part of it.

The Pandora may be what brought us together, but this community has become so much more... hard to put a finger on exactly what it is, but I know of no other online community quite like this one.
I'm really happy to be a somewhat silent lurker of this community, it feels really nice being around here...
weirder community members..
Why do you consider yourself wierd? :)

changed my Windows systems to Linux some months ago mostly because of all the stuff I learned here,
good thing you did here :)

What is your experience leaving Windows so far? How do you like your linux environment ?

As for me, it's been probably 5-6 years (if not more) that I left Windows and I'm really glad that I did.  
I have a feeling I am one of the angriest community members here (well at Craig anyway).  I think I am the only one with a genuine warning post :D

However I am just blunt and joke a fair bit.  It doesn't really come across like that though. :P
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Dude! You are the best and I wouldnt want to miss your input and thoughts in this forum.

The Pandora is like life... stuff just doesnt work... well, then... you MAKE it work... with some help.

And welcome to the Linux side. Have you installed the 3d shooter sauerbraten? I like it a lot, but I had to remove it because my disk is getting full.... will have to repartition my disk...

Greetings from Amsterdam.
Thanks man.

I installed Sauerbraten yesterday, had it on my list for quite a while now.
F@#$#k windows!  The Pandora has converted me to Linux as well :)
The Pandora and the regular Windows updates ;) .

Same for me.

  What is your experience leaving Windows so far? How do you like your linux environment ? As for me, it's been probably 5-6 years (if not more) that I left Windows and I'm really glad that I did.
For me it still sucks that  a lot of classmates at university are dumb enough to upload their presentations as pptx instead of pdf and I have some compatibility issues sometimes.

One week after replacing my Windows HDD with the Arch Linux SSD I wondered how I ever could use that "F@#$#k windows!"

I think Pandora does some quite good conversion stuff.
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changed my Windows systems to Linux some months ago mostly because of all the stuff I learned here,
good thing you did here :)

What is your experience leaving Windows so far? How do you like your linux environment ?

As for me, it's been probably 5-6 years (if not more) that I left Windows and I'm really glad that I did.  
Thanks, it was a good decision and since I grew up with DOS and Win95 not an easy one at first,

but Pandora showed me, that it's not as complicated anymore as it used to be and you can learn it step by step now.

My experience after about 3,5 months now is, that getting games to run properly still isn't as easy as I imagined even if you got the Linux ports, but most of the time quite possible.

After installing the 32bit compatibility libs with "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libopenal1", stuff like "Lume" runs too, but I haven't yet gotten He-Man to start and I still do not understand, why Binding of Isaac runs so extremely slow, must be some Linux Flash Problem.

I still use an XP partition for gaming through my old collection, but tend to only buy games now, that have Linux support, which is a statement to the industry.

I am using Linux Mint and while version 15 had some problems now and then, decided randomly, if it wants to start or not and was bricked totally after installing the ATI Catalyst,

I changed to the current verion 16 and this one runs extremely well on my aged system and although I still have to install drivers for my audio recording equipment (M-Audio Mobile Pre USB) but this seems to be possible too somehow.

The support on EDs boards was very nice, because people seem to like encouraging people to go to Linux - 10 years ago, I experienced LOTS of arrogance and "find out for yourself!"-stuff from Linuxusers, but that has changed a lot and of course people on this server are a different kind in general.

I think Pandora does some quite good conversion stuff.
Oh yes, it does!
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not and was bricked totally after installing the ATI Catalyst,
That's the biggest weak point on my Linux.

As I have a Radeon 4xxx on my laptop I would have to use the legacy driver which is not compatible to the latest Xorg.

ATI offers really bad Linux support,

Go for the open source driver and use "power-play-switcher" to allow low power mode.

If you want to do PC gaming I think Windows dual boot is the best solution.
F@#$#k windows!  The Pandora has converted me to Linux as well :)
The Pandora and the regular Windows updates ;) .

Same for me.

  What is your experience leaving Windows so far? How do you like your linux environment ? As for me, it's been probably 5-6 years (if not more) that I left Windows and I'm really glad that I did.
For me it still sucks that  a lot of classmates at university are dumb enough to upload their presentations as pptx instead of pdf and I have some compatibility issues sometimes.

One week after replacing my Windows HDD with the Arch Linux SSD I wondered how I ever could use that "F@#$#k windows!"

I think Pandora does some quite good conversion stuff.
Libre Impress can read Microsoft Powerpoint no problem.