Some Questions About The Dingoo A320 Vs All - Lol!


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i love playing with handhelds. im a collector but i play with all my handhelds. if i dont like one i sell it. it dont have to be the best handheld, but it have to bring me something i dont have already with my others handheld. sometime i bring my psp, sometime my wiz, sometime my gp2x... depending what i want to play or do.

i have these handheld: gp32, gp2x F-100 ( mod with a Nes d-pad), Wiz, Ds lite, Psp-2000, onestation, gamegear, gameboy original,gba sp backlit, gameboy advance,Vg pocket, Zodiac, Letcool (in a few days)... maybe i forget one.

But i dont have the dingoo. I didnt buy it until now because i think the wiz and my gp2x has all the things i need and that dingoo cant bring me anything different. and i dont like small screen too much. 2.8' is a little small to me.

Still i will maybe buy it, if some of my questions have the answers i hope for, because it seem easy to bring and have a good battery.

1. IS the D-pad better than the Wiz ? ( i didnt made until now the DaveC mod for the d-pad wiz) ( i have some difficulties to make some fast move in nes megaman 4-5-6. ex: sometime megaman slide when i dont want it...)

2. IS the button layout really better than Wiz ? is the buttons feeling better ?

Questions about emulators:
MY Favorites emulators are 1. NES 2. SMS 3. Genesis 4. SNES 5. GBA

3. Is the nes emulator run perfect on the Dingoo. On the Wiz, the nes emulator have some wave when scrolling because of the tearing fix, its not very funny after some time. i dont love the colors too ( only true for nes emulator, picodrive colors ROCKS, picodrive screen quality on the wiz beat anything ) and NES THE FULL SCALING OPTION give a SOFT look. on my Gp2x with full HARDWARE scaling option the look dont look soft at all. But wiz cant have a full hardware scaling so, it look a little too soft. With the DINGOO, IS the full SCALING option ' full screen ' nes emulator look soft ??? i know a lot of nes emulators exist on the dingoo, some of them from the native OS other from dingux. you can compare and recommend me. MY ENGLISH IS NOT GREAT, i hope you still get my point LOL LOL. the NES emulator is the emulator i play the MOST. 50% of my free time.

4. Is the SMS has a FULL SCREEN option, i play mostly gamegear games. in wiz and gp2x no full screen SMS option exist. so i play with sms32 on my gp32 or with my psp.

5. SNES: I can play mariokart and f-zero with 60FPS with the WIZ, is it possible with the Dingoo. WIZ snes emulator VS Dingo Snes emulator ?

6. Gba emulator runs better on the PSP than Wiz or Gp2x. castlevania circle of the moon has 100% fullspeed 60 fps and no slowdown on the PSP. On the Wiz this game use a little frameskip. But mariokart play very well with the WIZ. How runs the different gba emulators with the Dingoo ? how run gpsp Dingux VS gpsp WIZ or gpsp PSP.


7. For people that own BOTH the WIZ and the Dingoo A320. Which one do you prefer ? and for what reason ?

8. Do you think i will like the Dingoo A320. Should i buy it ? dont forget i have a lot of handheld

9. I found the WIZ boot time very long maybe 25-30 seconds. how is it with the dingoo native os and dingux. when i have only 5 to 10 minutes, i bring very often my onestation because it has no boot time. even if i can only play a few nes games. Because i play nes games more than any others emulators

10. IS the Tv-out easy to use and have a decent quality ? is it possible with all emulators including dingux or only for the native OS emulators ?

THANKS and sorry for all my strange english and my strange questions. LOL LOL you dont have to answers all theses questions, just give me your opinion.

NOTE: the question 3 is very important to me ! thanks

NOTE2: if you have a headache after reading this topic its completly normal. LOL

NOTE3: if you thing im very freak to ask all these questions and i lost my time, youre wrong im just curious and have nothing better to do than create a topic like this this evening. my girlfriend visit a friend. and its better to lost time in creating topic like that than spend my time on megaporn. LOL

Bonus question 1: Should Renejr902 has spend his time on megaporn than created a topic like that ?
Bonus question 2: Can i install Windows 7 64 bit edition on the Dingoo ? Is it running well ?
Bonus Question 3: IS my english great , good or bad or strange ?


Have a good day !!
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its a hobby for me to buy different handheld and play with different handheld. seriously i would like to know the answer to some of my questions. thanks

note: about megaporn, i thought this website was very popular because its free, maybe im wrong :)
renejr902 said:
note: about megaporn, i thought this website was very popular because its free, maybe im wrong :)
There are a lot of free sites of that nature. :lol:
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First of all, for dingoo emulation use Dingux (except in GBA, native emulator for GBA is better)

renejr902 said:
1. IS the D-pad better than the Wiz ? ( i didnt made until now the DaveC mod for the d-pad wiz) ( i have some difficulties to make some fast move in nes megaman 4-5-6. ex: sometime megaman slide when i dont want it...)

2. IS the button layout really better than Wiz ? is the buttons feeling better ?

I don't have a Wiz for compare, but the buttons are really good, good quality, good response. I can play all perfect except marvel vs capcom (neogeo), is very hard do combos with the dingoo pad (i don't know why just that game, in ohter fight games i have no problem, for example: mortal kombat, can make combos/fatality without any problem)
Anyway is very easy make a d-pad for dingux, there a videos and tutorials of modding.

renejr902 said:
Questions about emulators:
MY Favorites emulators are 1. NES 2. SMS 3. Genesis 4. SNES 5. GBA

3. Is the nes emulator run perfect on the Dingoo. On the Wiz, the nes emulator have some wave when scrolling because of the tearing fix, its not very funny after some time. i dont love the colors too ( only true for nes emulator, picodrive colors ROCKS, picodrive screen quality on the wiz beat anything ) and NES THE FULL SCALING OPTION give a SOFT look. on my Gp2x with full HARDWARE scaling option the look dont look soft at all. But wiz cant have a full hardware scaling so, it look a little too soft. With the DINGOO, IS the full SCALING option ' full screen ' nes emulator look soft ??? i know a lot of nes emulators exist on the dingoo, some of them from the native OS other from dingux. you can compare and recommend me. MY ENGLISH IS NOT GREAT, i hope you still get my point LOL LOL. the NES emulator is the emulator i play the MOST. 50% of my free time.

I don't know if NES emulator is "perfect", i don't play NES to much, but fceu320 seems to be good.
Video scaling options: Original, 280x240, FullScreen
If u want, give me to a rom game, and i will test for u

renejr902 said:
4. Is the SMS has a FULL SCREEN option, i play mostly gamegear games. in wiz and gp2x no full screen SMS option exist. so i play with sms32 on my gp32 or with my psp.

there are 3 SMS emulators for Dingux, and picodrive for other sega devices. I will test sms later, i never used before.

renejr902 said:
5. SNES: I can play mariokart and f-zero with 60FPS with the WIZ, is it possible with the Dingoo. WIZ snes emulator VS Dingo Snes emulator ?

Mario kart runs very slow ~10fps. Megaman9 runs like 45~60 fps. Remember that dingoo is more cheap that wiz, can't compare hardware with a console that cost the double ^^

renejr902 said:
6. Gba emulator runs better on the PSP than Wiz or Gp2x. castlevania circle of the moon has 100% fullspeed 60 fps and no slowdown on the PSP. On the Wiz this game use a little frameskip. But mariokart play very well with the WIZ. How runs the different gba emulators with the Dingoo ? how run gpsp Dingux VS gpsp WIZ or gpsp PSP.

as i said, for gba use native emulator. There is a gba emulator for dingux, but is a port of PSP emulator, and is not good. But dingux is open developement, so probably we can have a gba emulator for dingux too.

renejr902 said:
9. I found the WIZ boot time very long maybe 25-30 seconds. how is it with the dingoo native os and dingux. when i have only 5 to 10 minutes, i bring very often my onestation because it has no boot time. even if i can only play a few nes games. Because i play nes games more than any others emulators

native OS and dingux boot in less than 5 seconds, is really fast

renejr902 said:
10. IS the Tv-out easy to use and have a decent quality ? is it possible with all emulators including dingux or only for the native OS emulators ?

Native TVout is good. Dingux tvout is in developement, when OpenDingux kernel release i think will be good as native.


Wiht dingoo u can also play game ports like: Doom, DukeNukem, Quake, Heroes, Wolftenstein, Zelda Homebrew Trilogy, etc.

And there is also emulator of scummvm (for play sam&max, monkey island, and all those games based on scummvm), and a lot of ports/emulators of many things, is a good console. And is very small, i like the small screen, i can put in my pocket for listen music when i'm walking, is a bit bigger than my motorola w5 ^^.

If u are a collector, u MUST have a dingoo a320 =) (a330 is sux)
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thanks a lot for answer. i really appreciate it. it helps me a lot. you can test any NES megaman games in fullscreen. i play a lot of megaman 1 to 6
thanks again. then dingoo seems interesting.

edit: i just saw some dingoo a320 youtube video and nes emulator seems great and look great in fullscreen with native emulator.

Is the NES emulator on the native OS use any frameskip or get any slowdown in nes games ? its hard to say with youtube video. thanks for answer
Answers to your questions:


I've got both A320/WIZ, and I am also a handheld addict.

I would prefer to bring with myself the A320, I rarely play my Wiz unless when there are games that can't be emulated because of the lack of ram in A320 (32MB in A320 vs 64MB in WIZ), but this problem is now gone as SWAP is enabled in A320.

The Pros of a WIZ while compared with an A320 are these:

1) A better screen even at the same small size (but screen tearing is really serious in some apps).
2) Better shoulder buttons.
3) Stronger processor and larger RAM.

And the rest can be Cons, at least seems so to me.


A lot faster, Wiz boots up faster with Win2x (comparing to GMenu), but still takes longer than A320, no matter the the native or Dingux (GMenu2x/DMenu).

TV out is extremely simply in native OS, and it might take you some time to set it up if you want TV out in Dingux.
Great !! i like mariokart for gba too. i will buy a dingoo in a few days. i think i will like it better than my wiz. But i dont want to buy a fake dingoo, it seem that dealextreme sold some fakes dingoo. im a little worry about that.
renejr902 said:
Great !! i like mariokart for gba too. i will buy a dingoo in a few days. i think i will like it better than my wiz. But i dont want to buy a fake dingoo, it seem that dealextreme sold some fakes dingoo. im a little worry about that.

i buy my own in DX, and get an original. Check my post on DX forums:

They has a problem with fake dingoos, but after a lot of complains i think they changed the provider, i didn't here nothing about fake dingos on DX recently. Anyway, buy a black one, most of the fake dingos are white. (dx sell black dingoos too)

Here u can read more about diferent and fakes dingoos:!/

Here a small list of sellers:

Also u can buy the new Gemei a330 (not dingoo a330), but is a bit more expensive, and i don't know if dingux and other dingoo a320 apps can run on it, u will have to search info a about it.
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i will probably buy it from dealextreme. because i want the black one. i found 2 shop in Canada that have the dingoo a-320 but only in white. i really want the black.

edit: finally i will probably buy it at gocybershop it seem they have the black console
i bought it at, and i choose ups. only 3 to 5 days to wait !!

thanks all for help.

i hope chinavision have Genuine Dingoo A320. i bought the black console
renejr902 said:
i bought it at, and i choose ups. only 3 to 5 days to wait !!

thanks all for help.

i hope chinavision have Genuine Dingoo A320. i bought the black console

are u sure about use UPS? In the most of the countrys is better use standar airmail (takes more days, but have no problem with customs).
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