Just Got New Dingoo, Few Questions


May 8, 2005
Is there a page with few info about the build in emulators and what format or extension do the roms need to be? I have tried yesterday the GBA and NES emulators, just by running GBA or NES files, but I couldn't run the Mega Drive because the roms I have, are "bin" extension. And what is the right extension or file type of MD roms? Do they need conversion? I tried to search on the internet and this forum and I found nothing relevant.

Unfortunatelly Vista can't mount to my device. It finds it as unknown device. There were some drivers but doesn't work. And a firmware update programm. I had better luck in an XP machine where I just had to plugin the device and all happened automatically. Is there a workaround for Vista? Also, I see that many good stuff need that you have to install Dingux. Will I then still be able to run the old APP native Dingoo stuff too? Do I need to update a firmware to also install Dingux? Because the last time I tried a programm to update firmware, it seemed to be doing nothing, either in Vista or XP PC.

Other than that, I am quite sattisfied with the device. Maybe worse than Wiz but it has really good battery life (I am listening to MP3 for something like 14 hours and there is still battery!) and some nice 3d games by Dingoo itself (they are not a must, but 7days is impressive and the machine cames with more stuff and integrated emulator compared to what wiz came with). The S2DSDK works in windows, although there is a class pixel used and makes rendering very slow (a simple test programm of a plasma effect, 40fps in Dingoo, 200fps in Wiz). I am wondering if there is a more low level way to access pixels while still using their SDK for other things, or are there other SDKs developed, or maybe SDL, or I should switch to Dingux development? (Although I wouldn't like to make exclusively Dingux apps, since it's more preferable for my programms to run in Dingoo itself, both people with and without Dingux should be able to run them)
Hi Optimus,

Optimus said:
Is there a page with few info about the build in emulators and what format or extension do the roms need to be? I have tried yesterday the GBA and NES emulators, just by running GBA or NES files, but I couldn't run the Mega Drive because the roms I have, are "bin" extension. And what is the right extension or file type of MD roms? Do they need conversion? I tried to search on the internet and this forum and I found nothing relevant.

Ok, Regarding Megadrive roms, Mine all have the .SMD extension, And work without any problems. Don`t quote me on this, But i have heard people say that they have renamed the extension of .bin megadrive roms to .SMD and have got them to work, Can`t see it myself, But you never know.

I see that many good stuff need that you have to install Dingux. Will I then still be able to run the old APP native Dingoo stuff too? Do I need to update a firmware to also install Dingux? Because the last time I tried a programm to update firmware, it seemed to be doing nothing, either in Vista or XP PC.

There are quite alot of good things on Dingux, But i still use the native firmware alot more than Dingux on my Dingoo. So yes, You can have and use the native firmware and Dingux on the same Dingoo without worries (Just hold the [SELECT] button when powering on). And no, You don`t need to update the firmware on the Dingoo to install Dingux, But you do flash the boot-loader of your Dingoo when installing Dingux.

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Yep, just rename the Megadrive files to .smd and they should work - no conversion necessary.

And Dingux is (AFAIK) installed dual-boot, so you always have access to the native firmware.

For more info, check the Dingoo Wiki.
Optimus said:
Thanks, it worked! (Btw,. the mega drive emulator is bad. There are some wrong scanline shearing I can't explain why they are there)

That is a problem with the megadrive emulator. I don't think it is usable like that!

For picodrive you need to install dingux - but it is definitely worth it!

If you really don't want to try that I believe there is an update to the native firmware megadrive emulator.

here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?yyrglymwwyw

I've not tried myself but it may fix your problem. (Only got the dingoo 3 days ago myself i love it so far but was a bit shocked that the megadrive emulator that come with it was that bad).

As far as your dingux/native question goes - Newer dingoo's seem to be having a problem running the installer.

I spent the best part of an evening trying to flash it before I got the installer to run (You have to run the usbtool from the command line and then pull the usb cable at just the right moment to get the installer to run on the dingoo)

I'm relatively used to this sort of thing so was pretty sure I was doing it right - but many other users could be easily put off.

Your mounting problems may just be the format of the dingoo - I think the partition table is slightly bodged.

My linux computer wouldn't mount the device either. In the end I found some advice on this forum to just copy everything off the drive, repartition and format it and then copy everything back. This worked fine for me using gparted from linux. Maybe you could try the equivalent in vista (is that still fdisk? - I wouldn't know!)

I'm new to the dingoo as I say and am still finding out things...
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I have updated the new megadrive.sim and yes it correct the bug. It's much better now. Although, picodrive on dingux is just perfect.

I just installed Dingux. There is only one strange thing. In every thing I run, after few minutes of play there are some strange micro-freeze/slowdowns for few seconds and then again. It seems like something is wrong with dingux or my machine because it happens on every emulator or game I run on dingux, like there is some kind of thread in the background that jumps in and makes the frame rate to crawl for 5-6 seconds.

Also, initially I still couldn't update the firmware dual boot either in XP or Vista. I got the message that my device wasn't found, in the command line. But then I found by accident that there were some other drivers in the dual_boot archive and I installed those and it worked.
Optimus said:
I just installed Dingux. There is only one strange thing. In every thing I run, after few minutes of play there are some strange micro-freeze/slowdowns for few seconds and then again. It seems like something is wrong with dingux or my machine because it happens on every emulator or game I run on dingux, like there is some kind of thread in the background that jumps in and makes the frame rate to crawl for 5-6 seconds.

I don't know if this will help, I read it on a Dingoo forum:

I use a script for liberate memory, killing the menu and a few system process before running mame:


killall -9 dinguxmb
killall -9 klogd
killall -9 syslogd
killall -9 inetd
killall -9 udhcpd
killall -9 getty
sleep 6
cd /usr/local/emulators/mame4all
exec ./mame.dge


For dmenu, change first process "dinguxmb" for "dmenu" . I think that's enough, if not (to see that you can do it via telnet), also add a line killing a process called "dmenu.bin".
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The stuttering happens only once ~ a half minute after the start for me, then never happens again, at least not that noticable.
However, there was a modded rootfs released, that obviously resolves this issue, but a few games (PRBoom and eDuke32) don´t work with that.