Some questions ( about opensnes9x)

The Mole

Oct 29, 2003
I know that when it was first released that i didnt like it much with my machine only going at 133 it was better to use SNES9x.

However i have since found some games that work amazingly well and am useing it more than SNES9X now.

What i want to know is:

If i save a game where will it save (during the game) ?
what i mean is if i save half way through the level will it reload that or will it just take a copy of the SRAM (i think it is).

How do i load a save file?

Can anybody explain to me why some games run at 50-60 FPS without sound yet others run at 10?

Any reason why some games will not load on openSNES but they will run well and at a good speed on SNES9x?

Whats frameskip?
I use frameskip 4 on Turtles and the game runs at 60FPS without sound but on frameskip 2 it only runs at 20FPS, the thing is frameskip 4 and frameskip 2 look identical apart from the speed ( well to me anyway)

If anybody is looking for a good game to play try Tiny Toon Adventures ( Buster Busts Loose) its a great platform game and runs at 50-60 FPS on 133 without sound or 40 FPS with sound.
Keep in mind that this was the first release. I have only used Saves on one game, Super Punchout and it saves just like it did on the SNES version. I go to continue in the game and boom its there. Secondly, I've found some games run very very slow, some games run fine, some games run with graphic glithces, but when you play them in SNES9x, they run fine. I think its just because this is the first release and it needs some tweaking. Sorry your gp can't go past 133, because mine going at 156 plays most games great.
If you're talking about savestates, than those work just like in PC emulators. It basically takes a snapshop of everything thats going on in the game. When you load it you'll be exactly where you were when you saved. Very useful for tough boss battles. Savestates are your friend :P.

Just go to the menu and hit load on whatever savestate number you want. This feature alone puts openSNES miles ahead of snes9x.
Yeah freezing your game state like that is usefull! I'm playing terigama(sp), on my computer right now, and I couldn't' find a place to save it until like 20 hours into the game lol.