[solved] Sad...


Mar 24, 2007
Trying to get the VPN to work has been hours... Sad... Only documentation I can find is the shift button left click to drag the window. Window can only be draged top top then roles to the bottom. like a bad dream there is no way to see the buttons with this method. Then cannot roatate screen to see buttons no searches come up. Found a artical of hope that some said they were able to guess click the button... after about an hour of trying it keeps closing. So I looked up a pic of the menu and notice there is no ALT+ "letter" for the Apply. So as a test I found a screen were I can see the buttons on the pandora. The Choose a VPN Connection Type and in luck because the button to go ahead does not have ALT+ "letter" combo. When using the d-pad and going to the button and clicking enter is for some reason hits the close button although it is highlighted. Same thing happens when using tab to the Create... button and it is clearly sletecd.. The clicking with D-pad and tabing enter work as long as the button has ALT+ letter combo. How am I supposed to click button I cannot see to click if there isnt a tab then enter solution or a ALT+ letter combo!!! Very Sad Face
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Unless the application you are using has a dedicated functionality built in to prevent movement out of the screens boundaries, the "standard" technique should work :

while pressing the left shoulder button left click anywhere on the application and move the mouse cursor
What app are you using?  It's hard to help without this crucial piece of information!!
Left click the two computer monitors on the tool bar, to the left of batt life

left click VPN Connection then configure VPN...

left click add

 Here is were I tested the tab then enter method

Click Create...

Here is the window I cannot pass

It is the Network Connections app that is built in, and confirm that the Shift+Left Click drag does not work.
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Shift + Left Click+Drag works for me.   I can drag the window up and see the Cancel and Apply buttons at the bottom.   The window stays where I put it too.

*rereads your original post*   It sounds like you are trying to drag the window by its title bar.   The point of holding shift is that it allows you to drag the window by clicking anywhere in the window.   Try holding shift, and click and drag up from somewhere near the bottom of the window.

Wow, thanks. Be nice if it said that on the wiki page... hard to belive thats what it was...   

 Now to go use the free wifi and vpn through it!!

HAPPPY :lol:
Its a standard in Unix and Unix-like systems (like Linux which the Pandora is based upon) going back decades; its considered 'common knowledge' in us *nix weenies, but yeah, probably should be noted somewhere :)

I'm pretty sure it's noted in the "readme first" document (or whatever it is called, I forget now) on the desktop when you first boot up. ;)
It certainly is :)

Edit: But we are too nice to just say RTFM!
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It's hard to open the QuickStart pdf when you don't know how to do a mouse click, and the intro is lacking that information, alas.

But then you're essentially right, it says "To move windows around without using the menu bar, press and hold the left shoulderbutton while using the touchscreen to move the window" which is close enough and working.
It's hard to open the QuickStart pdf when you don't know how to do a mouse click, and the intro is lacking that information, alas.
Wait - are yo trying to tell that it was hard to find out how to use a touchscreen and that pressing it on the screen is a click?

This... sounds weird to me... it's been like that on all touchscreen devices I've ever seen.

That would be like a big screen when you start Windows the first time which tells you that you can click on buttons and icons with that button on your mouse :o
I think bukkit's probably referring to the fact you have to double-tap on the icon, when most touchscreen devices you single tap icons to activate
Its a standard in Unix and Unix-like systems (like Linux which the Pandora is based upon) going back decades; its considered 'common knowledge' in us *nix weenies, but yeah, probably should be noted somewhere :)
It's also worth noting that the Lazarus port, despite being built as a standard app, does not allow this behaviour in its configuration options and so you have to play "guess what I've tabbed to before pressing enter" in order to close the dialog - if you use alt-click-drag to move the window, it snaps back to it's nearest on-screen position.
Most annoying.


When you blast through the ego, you reach the shadow. I had read about the IRC were there was some hazing.  I named this artical sad so that I could refernce that I was sad about the behavior, for some of the real new people that are excited about this. When you choose the path of the darkness shadow you will not allow yourself to recive the blessings of enlightenment.


This on the Wiki should say "If a window is too tall to fit on the screen you can move it by holding down the left shoulder button and dragging the window with the stylus."

 to: If a window is too tall to fit on the screen you can move it by holding down the left shoulder button and dragging the window with the stylus. "The body of the window not the title, Eddie...." :-D

  in ref: http://pandorawiki.org/User_manual
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I think you may be taking something out of context and very personally, and I'm very sorry you feel that way. I don't know what could possibly have been done to make you feel any better. :(
Can this thread just be maked as solved and closed already? That would make me feel better. :lol:      Oh, that and if I don't have to get caught up in Stan's catch 22.
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You can mark it yourself. Edit first post and change the headline.