[SOLVED] Questions about SNES9x4p


Still Fresh
Oct 16, 2010
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I just got my Pandora (LOVING IT!) and I've been playing some Chrono Trigger on it. I've noticed that some of the sound effects of the game appear to be off. It's mainly opening doors, or attacks during combat. They sound distorted? I've tried fiddling with the in game settings, but that did not help. I can't seem to find any sound settings other then the actual in emu volume control. Am I missing something? Is this fixable? :)


i havent played myself yet. but i heard chrono trigger on snes9x needed some overclock to get perfect emulation. so try ocing your pandy to 800mhz or something like that see if the issue is still here.
i havent played myself yet. but i heard chrono trigger on snes9x needed some overclock to get perfect emulation. so try ocing your pandy to 800mhz or something like that see if the issue is still here.

Ah, I forgot to mention that, I am running at 850mhz.
then i dont know, i never really started snes9x yet (been too busy messing with my os !). but if there are some sound configs, like sampling or buffer, it might help your issue.
then i dont know, i never really started snes9x yet (been too busy messing with my os !). but if there are some sound configs, like sampling or buffer, it might help your issue.

Yeh, I was trying to find those, but I don't see the options anywhere. I've tried looking for some documentation on the wiki, but no luck so far.
I have a not-so-optimal fix if you've exhausted your Snes9x options: Try the PSX version using notaz's emulator. It looks identical to the SNES version from what I've seen.
You may find that there isn't a lot you can do about this. Snes9x4P outputs sound at 32KHz, the same as a real SNES does, but the version of Snes9x that it's based upon comes from a time when SNES sound emulation was still a little bit "wrong" for some things (often sound effects, in my personal experience).

There is another emulator, PocketSNES, but that is from a time when SNES sound emulation was noticeably "wrong" for a lot of things.

I suspect that if the current version of Snes9x could be gotten working, or the relevant bits absorbed into Snes9x4P (this latter one is ludicrously difficult or impossible, though, I would imagine!), that that's where the solution lies. However, my understanding is that there are some issues with getting the current version to work on ARM platforms, and little to no information around on how to fix that.

That is how it is, to the best of my understanding. I'm sorry that the answer couldn't be a better one.

(Yes. I am a SNES nut. It's my favourite console of all time. :P )
With the latest version it should now be possible to *finally* use decent sound for some of the more strange games (especially those from squaresoft!). Just switch the option "Alt. Sample Decoding" to "true". This will activate a different audio path and at least improves sound for Secret of Mana and Secret of Mana 2, possibly for many others, too. Beside this the emulator will now store your rom specific settings like the display mode to use, frameskip, the current savestate slot and all the other things you enter via the menu.

PS: Yeah, I love thread necromancy, but since the "issue" is now fixed I thought the thread deserved an update...
Great update, Ivanovic! I just gave it a spin, and the Alt. Sample Decoding option also fixes the audio in all of the system's Mega Man games, too. :D