

Jun 20, 2006
Toronto, CANADA
Hey guys

I just got the SCUMM working ... I never played these Lucasarts games before, so I'm not sure what they are to sound like, but when I play Full Throttle, I get sound in some scenes, (like bg noises and such) but the intro and whenever people talk, those scenes are totally silent.

I see there is different options and defaults for sound (MIDI, Roland, AdLib) but what the hell do all those mean in regards to GP2X sound?


LMK if anyone has any exp.w ith this...cause they are amazing games!!!

BTW: the EXACT same game files running on SCUMMvm on my Mac work with perfect sound...not sure what the difference here is...maybe it's settings that I'm neglecting?

EDIT:: semi-solved .. was using scummvm_gp2x ... it sux .... now I tried that "scummvm-kor0.4.2cvc" version ... works like a charm for the intor cinema scenes...but not during gameplay!
btw: you shouldn't be telling that your are downloading a bittorrent stream with all the scummvm supported games on it. It's kind of illegal, you know?
Quiest posted on Aug 21 2006 at 07:29 AM said:
I thought this one is the best and newest :blink:

Anybody confirm or correct me please :)

I tried it. It's actually faster than the others I've tried, and logical button layout (though the text on the interface is not as legible as the "kor" version in the archive).

In anycase, full throttle stll only has speech in the intro and cinematic scene...not during gameplay

any successes anyone? I will try the SKY version soon.
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subcon959 posted on Aug 21 2006 at 04:39 PM said:
I get speech throughout the game with the skywalker version.

that's twice downloading and installing sky
I hit the executing scummvm_sky.gpe file from the menu and it goes black for a couple of seconds and boots me back to the main FW2.0 menu.

please verify this link is the working copy of sky that you are using ... please ;)
otherwise, please direct me to your leader ;)
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Yes that's the one I'm using. The only thing I can think of is that you copied the patch folder to your SD card too? In my scummvm directory all I have is the .gpe and and modern.ini

Oh and the .scummvmrc file that stores all the settings for each installed game.
subcon959 posted on Aug 21 2006 at 08:15 PM said:
Yes that's the one I'm using. The only thing I can think of is that you copied the patch folder to your SD card too? In my scummvm directory all I have is the .gpe and and modern.ini

Oh and the .scummvmrc file that stores all the settings for each installed game. I'm confused.
I copied the ZIPfile to my SD...unzipped it. it doesn't work
following your post...i simply deleted the sky_patch folder
and it just boots me back to the FW2.0 menu

So then I removed it all and copied ONLY the files you mention (minus the.scummvmrc file, which I'm assuming gets created later after adding games) .. still no dice...

i feel dumb ;(
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So this version doesn't run at all for you?

That's really strange because I just downloaded it again from the archive then extracted and copied onto a new SD card and it works fine.

Maybe try installing SDL libraries?
subcon959 posted on Aug 22 2006 at 01:41 PM said:
So this version doesn't run at all for you?

That's really strange because I just downloaded it again from the archive then extracted and copied onto a new SD card and it works fine.

Maybe try installing SDL libraries?

I'll try that .. I didn't have to for any of the other versions of scummvm, maybe that explains the lack of speech in sound.

back in a bit.
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ketchupgun posted on Aug 22 2006 at 06:42 PM said:
That's really strange because I just downloaded it again from the archive then extracted and copied onto a new SD card and it works fine.

Do not install any SDL libaries :). ScummVM does not need them as everything is staticly linked into the GPE.

Not sure what to say about your Full Throttle version, you don't have anything daft like a FLAC audio rip or something. The problem is I can hardly tell you to try your origional game files and rip them in a way I know works on the GP2X.

Do you have SOG, SO3, SOU or SOF flies?
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DJWillis said:
ketchupgun posted on Aug 22 2006 at 06:42 PM said:
Do you have SOG, SO3, SOU or SOF flies?

I'll check...but it's weird because it works perfectly on SCUMMvm on my MacOSx

The probelm isn't the gamefile methinks, as the .gpe file doesn't even load the scummvm menu
it just kicks me back to FW2.0 menu.

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ketchupgun posted on Aug 23 2006 at 02:30 PM said:
The probelm isn't the gamefile methinks, as the .gpe file doesn't even load the scummvm menu
it just kicks me back to FW2.0 menu.

I assume your talking about Skywalk's release. I am not really sure what he did, I gave him my latest code and he built and released it but he seems to have used an old buggy version of SDL to build the SDL bit's against as far as I can tell (black screen problems etc.).

Use my newest build (grab it from the thread in the beta forum) just to test what happens.
The newer backend is not a build really ready for end users to be used to play games (its a test of USB mouse code) but it will serve for debugging your problem as it does have a lot of fixes in it and the latest OGG Vorbis and MP3 code patches of mine in it.

As for the game working on the MAC, the big ScummVM builds (Windows, Mac, Full Linux etc.) tend to support every codec under the sun, we do not have that luxury on the GP2X ;).
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